Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Road rage incident ft. Officer T.

First ever encounter like this where I felt extremely threatened by another person.I had just gotten off the highway and was waiting at the light after getting off at the exit. When my light is green, no-one else has a green light. As I made the left turn, a VW Golf comes swerving out of the opposing exit ramp, runs the red light, then crosses two lanes without a signal and almost swerves into me when he comes into my lane.I gave him a beep (my car's horn isn't very aggressive) and signaled, then went around him to the right side where I was going to turn. I turn to my left and this guy went from 0 to 10000, screaming a few times that he's going to fuck me up and telling me to pull over, all while constantly swerving into me and trying to run me off the road. All that I could think about was, "does he have a weapon", and if I would have to pull my own if he ran me off the road.In my incredible luck, an officer was behind us and had seen everything. He blares the siren, the guy moves up and the officer quickly calls to me to "stay where I am". I pull over, get out of my car, and my heart's beating a mile a minute. The cop has the other guy pulled over a bit further ahead and is absolutely laying into this guy.This goes on for about 5 minutes, but it felt like forever. I see the officer's cruiser pull up and made a u-turn behind my car. He walks up to me and immediately tells me what he told the guy and how he saw the whole thing. Apparently, the other guy had just gotten out of surgery and was "on edge", so me honking at him shot him right up.Before anything else was said, I immediately told the officer "not sure if this is a duty to inform state, but I do want you to know that I am carrying at the moment". He looked confused for a moment, since I didn't fit the "carrying" type and my car is more fit for a 16 year old teen girl than myself. He then laughs as he apparently had told the other guy "what if he had a gun? You'd be dead if you stopped him". Apparently, the guy wanted to come back and apologize to me as well, but the officer didn't allow it because of his actions.He thanks me for informing him and asks where it is, which he verifies by feeling it through my shirt. Jokingly, he says "please don't shoot me" and heads back to his car with my license and permit to add my info to the incident report.After a few minutes, he comes back and thanks me again for being levelheaded, and asks if I used to wrestle as he used to coach in my town. He tells me to take some deep breaths and to stay safe, and the situation ends.At no point was my weapon exposed or removed from my person. I am incredibly thankful that Officer T. was there when he was.How do you guys think that went? Was there anything you would've done differently? via /r/CCW

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