Sunday, September 30, 2018

My gear stood up to its toughest test yet

So this weekend I attended a wedding and decided to test my gear. I run a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 2.0 in a Crossbreed minituck. I’m also not a big person at 5’10” and 160-170lbs.The first test was, that I was wearing my shirt tucked in all night. When I put my clothes on I scrutinized my appearance to make sure the gun wasn’t visible. I was pretty satisfied actually, the way tucked shirts naturally poof out on me hides the gun very well. There was lots of greeting family members and friends. Lots of hugs involved. I took some advice I read on this subreddit and made sure to go under their arm on the side where my gun was located. The wedding was outside and we had to sit in chairs that had an opening in the back for the whole night. I had to sit somewhat awkwardly at times to keep the gun from protruding out and being visible to the people behind me. After the ceremony was all done we went inside and ate, no big deal. But then there was a dance. It was dark in the building and the only lights were the strobe lights from the DJ, but all of the movements made a me little worried that my shirt might come untucked. But it never did! That’s when I realized something about the crossbreed and similar holsters. Since you tuck the shirt in between the Kydex and the belt, when the belt applies the same pressure that holds the gun in, it also clamps down on the shirt and keeps it tucked in. Finally the security for the wedding ended up being two sheriffs. That’s not who was supposed to be there. The original security bailed last minuet and one of the grooms family, who is a sheriff, pulled some favors.All in all it helped me be much more confident in my gear. Maybe now I won’t be so self conscious when I’m out in places where, it’s not illegal, but someone would have a problem if they noticed. I carry a lot on my college campus and I’m always worried some one who drinks the cool aid some of our professors give out will notice and have a BF. Thanks for reading!TL:DR. I wore a tucked in shirt, hugged lots of people, sat in weird chairs with a hole where my gun was, and danced for a while. No one at the wedding ever noticed my gun, not even the sheriffs doing security. via /r/CCW

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