Wednesday, March 14, 2018

When is it brandishing vs self defense?

I've reviewed the law in my state (MN) fairly thoroughly, and I believe I understand when deadly force in self a self defense situation is justified, but I'm confused if brandishing during a self defense situation is permissible?I'll be honest, I never want to shoot anyone. I'm always going to try to run or escape a situation if possible; I'd gladly give up my wallet to some guy if it meant no one got shot.But what about a situation where I feel like my life is in danger, but I think I can deescalate it without firing a shot? As an example some bad dude with a bat starts walking towards me and says he's going to harm me. If he's sufficiently far away, I believe in this situation drawing my firearm would be sufficient to stop the threat, and I'm certainly not going to wait till he starts clubbing me to draw (This kills the rlutz).So what gives? If I'm an unwilling participant in a situation where escape is impossible and my life is in danger, am I or am I not allowed to draw my firearm and not fire it? I get that very often drawing and not firing is a bad idea for a bunch of other reasons, but again, in any hypothetical scenario like this, I'm really trying to avoid shooting someone at all costs. via /r/CCW

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