Saturday, March 31, 2018

(Rant) Is it just me or are these states passing legislation suspiciously fast?

I'm not a particular expert on the specifics of legislation and it's processes, much less for these different and separate states, but does it not seem to anyone else suspicious, if not egregious, just how quickly these firearm laws are being passed?In the first place, is it really possible for state legislators to pass these measures legally this quickly?In the second, why are constituencies allowing this?To me it seems that any government that can pass such legislation outright violating and effectively enslaving the citizenry to the whims of a government in such a short-minded way is borderline tyrannical if not blatantly.I know that government's slow movement is more often than not frustrating if not infuriating to most people. However I would say when properly executed governmental and legislative processes should not be subject to such emotional and frankly forgetful mindsets.In just a few short weeks these states have literally enslaved the formerly law abiding populace aged 18 to 21 for having the audacity to exercise their innate human right of defending themselves to the best of their ability with a firearm. They are now made subjects to the whim of these state legislators, and at the mercy of those who have no regard for the law. They're also at the mercy of criminals who care nothing for the law.The innate liberty of legal citizens should not be so callously and quickly abolished simply because politicians are pressured by a hysterical media and elitists seizing a crisis to further enslave the populace. via /r/CCW

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