Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Advice From Carriers in VERY High-Visibility Jobs?

My CC class is in 3 days, and I'm starting to think very hard about how I'm going to be carrying my gun. I outlined my very complicated carry situation in another post, but my concern here is specifically about carrying while teaching my university class. The liabilities of off-body carry seem too severe to bear, so I'm going to have to conceal this thing on my person.I've read a lot of discussion here about people who need to prioritize concealment, because of workplace restrictions: they don't want anyone to know they have a gun, because it's illegal and/or they'd be fired. My situation is a bit different. Concealed carrying is legal on my campus (I live in Kansas), but being found out is still a huge liability for me. Inclusion is the watch-word of my profession, and a student feeling threatened (justified or not) is a catastrophic failure. Even without someone feeling threatened, the presence of a gun constitutes a major distraction, which is also a big no-no in the classroom. The bottom line is: I don't want my students to know I have a gun.The parameters for discovery here are a bit different than other jobs, as well. I'm not trying to conceal from the casual observation of customers I interact with briefly or even co-workers that I'm around all day. I'm standing in the open, in a well-lit room, with 40 people who are (hopefully) paying very close attention to me for more than an hour at a time. They get to see me from every angle and (because my teaching style is a bit animated) in a wide range of body positions.Do any of you have jobs like this? If so, I could really use any advice you have to offer.My current thinking is that pocket carry is going to be my best bet, as it conceals the entire gun at all times, and a large object in a pocket is more likely to be assumed to be something innocuous than a large item on the waistband. Beyond that, I need help. Holsters, especially, are something I'm clueless about.Here are some specifics that are probably relevant: I'm 6'2" and 350lbs, and I dress more or less like this. I'm 90% sure that I'm going to be getting an SR22 for my first gun, because it has a decent mix of concealability (fits in my pockets with plenty of room) and grip size for my monster hands, capacity (13+1 or 15/16+1 if I want to risk a bigger grip), and reliability (good for a .22 I'm told), that (most importantly for me) shoots ammo I can afford. via /r/CCW

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