Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Very positive LEO encounter.

Driving to work this morning when I hit an orange light, definitely on the darker side of orange (it was red). Of course there is a motorcycle cop at the intersection. He pulls behind me and hits his lights, it's one of the busiest roads in my town so it took me a little bit to find a good place to pull over. He comes up to my window, introduces himself and I then say "just want to let you know I am a concealed weapon permit holder and I do have a weapon on me" his reply "that's a very good thing to have" asks for my driver's license and heads back to his motorcycle. Comes back in 30 seconds says he is looking for a new carry gun outside of work. He asked me what I carry, I tell him a glock 19 now and in the summer a walther PPS. He shows me his duty Wilson combat 1911 and I drooled a little bit and we went on our way. Very cool LEO. via /r/CCW

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