Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Using pepper spray dogs

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this but I’m looking for some advice on dealing with an aggressive dog. My neighbor across the street has started letting a friend of hers live with her and the friend brought her dog with her. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, but this one terrifies me. So far I’ve had two altercations with him. The first time I was getting something from my car and heard barking coming towards me. When I turned to look behind me I see this massive American bulldog running at me and not knowing the dog, I just casually climbed in my car and shut the door. Not two seconds later he’s jumping up on the side of my car growling and barking. I ended up sneaking out of the other side of my car and running inside my house. Now after this the owner got arrested and both her and the dog were gone. Yesterday I was leaving my house to go to class and I hear growling, look up and I guess they’re back now because her dog is in my front yard growling at me and slowly stalking over to me. I was still at my front door and just turned back around and went inside until he left and walked back to his house. Anyway, I was wanting to just start carrying my pepper spray/mace mix but I’m not sure if it’s even ok to use on dogs. I’m a little barely 5’2 18 year old girl so I’m not sure how well I could fight him off if I’m not able to just walk away or jump in my car next time. I know his dog has attacked people before. The owner smartly brought him to a bar and that resulted in a drunk man petting him and getting his arm ripped into.

Submitted March 27, 2018 at 09:08AM by sheiiri https://ift.tt/2IXRk8T

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