Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Hypothetical scenario/legal question

During my CWP class, they went over how to respond to police if you were involved in a shooting (don't answer questions, invoke your right to silence, call a lawyer, etc).It was also mentioned that if you have to pull your gun for any reason, even if you don't shoot, you need to call the police. For example - some guy threatens you with a knife, you pull your gun to defend yourself, he runs away scared. No shots fired.Now, the instructor said to call the police, because a bystander could call in that you pulled a gun, or the person who had the knife could call and tell them you're the threat - without you knowing. There was no elaboration on what to say to police when they get there.My question is - are you better served by calling and then say you won't say anything further until you've spoken to a lawyer? Or do you just explain what happened and hopefully leave it at that? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2IafnjT

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