Monday, March 5, 2018

Looking for "Real world" suggestions on a web belt for summer...and a few other questions. Looking to buy once, cry once.

I have Googled until my fingers bleed and looked all throughout various subs. I am sure somewhere this has been addressed and I am just not finding it. So thanks for your patience in advance.I am located in TX (ATX) and wear pretty much "Dickies" style shorts all the time, and typically a web belt with them. I am looking for a web style belt for either an AIWB or IWB carry. It seems 99% of them minus the Kore are all rigger style belts and I am not wanting to "look military" if you know what I mean. I saw the Grip6 which was intriguing, but there is 0 information out there for real world use. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.This sub has been a wealth of information, I was sure I was going with Alien gear, now, not so much I had my mind made up and going to get a Stealth Gear rig, and them this morning I run across the Black Arch...much thanks! BTW, my 9-5 requires me to tuck in my shirt and be "professional".One last question, as far as backpacks that look, non descript for carrying, I have found a few online and really like the Tactical Tailor, I am interested in hearing what others use.For what it is worth I will be carrying either a G19 or 1911 Commander.TIA via /r/CCW

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