Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Great experience getting pulled over

Let me preface this I am Filipino in Florida and I was at the beach. If the media would lay this out they would surely tell you I would be dead on streets in this scenario.As my title says I got pulled over. It all started when this guy in a WRX decided he wanted to pass and then cut me off in my Veloster. I followed him up a bridge where we were doing at 20 over the legal speed. As we get to the bottom of the bridge the stop light is red so we have us an impromptu street race. Our gerbil powered cars were getting it lol. All of the sudden I see the flashing lights and they proceed to get behind the WRX.As I was about to breathe a sigh of relief and turn into my destination I then noticed I was also being followed by an unmarked car with his lights on. I pull into the first parking space in the lot and turn off my vehicle, put both hands on the wheel and wait for the office to approach. As the officer is getting to my driver's window I hear dispatch inform him that I was a CCW holder. So when he asks for license and registration I confirm that his radio was correct and that I was carrying. He asked which side and then asked which side my wallet was on.I have always told myself I would pull my wallet out before the officer approached but I completely forgot. So I told him the wallet was on the left side the same side as my firearm so he opens the door. I assumed he needed me to get out so he could disarm me. He told me to relax and remain seated and the door was just open so he could fully see me and my motions and told me to get my wallet . I made a large over the shoulder move for my wallet and he starts to chuckle. I asked if he should see my ccw licence and he said if its already there then sure. Then I tell him my insurance is on my phone and I had to look for my registration. He told me to get everything ready and he would be back. By that time another unmarked showed up and just kept on eye on my from the passenger side. When officer #1 returns he thanks for me being a legal ccw holder and having my carry with me and making him feel safe. He then tells me that he almost let us go when we passed him over the bridge until we unleashed the 4 cylinder fury and even chirped the tires (his words) He even said not bad keeping up to the WRX's door until at least 70. We both grinned and I told him I was unsure of what speeds we hit lol. Then when he saw my insurance card he laughed and asked if I should be out in the GTO driving like this instead and I replied if he was giving me permission that I would be right back lol. We had a couple more laughs and he let me off with a warning.Sorry for the long winded story but thought that would be worth sharing. Not all cops suck and neither do all tan fellas with guns. via /r/CCW

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