Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Dads of r/ccw: thoughts on carry condition?

Hey r/ccw (sorry for formatting, on mobile), I wanted to ask an opinion question to those who have kids and carry. I've had my permit about 4 years now, and have always carried condition 1 (striker cocked, round in the chamber) on either a glock or s&w shield. I have worked on my drawing, accuracy, rig set-up, and have been very comfortable carrying this way. However, my wife and I have recently welcomed our first bundle of joy into the world, and now I am wondering about the wisdom (or lack therof) of changing my carry condition. Either way, my biggest concern is keeping my family safe. Fellow dads-who-carry: did your carry condition change before/after kids? Why, or why not? Did you change your set up or rig? Thanks for your thoughts! via /r/CCW

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