Saturday, December 23, 2017

Questions About Eligibility to Concealed Carry in SC

Good evening, I am considering pursuing my concealed weapons permit and had some questions regarding my eligibility as well as others about the application process. I live and will be pursuing my permit in South Carolina. The issues I believe might affect my eligibility are 1- I was convicted of simple possession of marijuana ~3-4 years ago and underwent Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) to have the charge expunged from my record (which has been confirmed), 2- Approximately a year later I was pulled over and booked for DUI after an unforseen side effect of prescribed medication caused me to pass out at the wheel. I was never convicted and the case was dropped before it went to court but I was still printed/photograhed.I already own four firearms and am not classified as a prohibited person and have no trouble passing the background check at purchase. Friends have told me that even though that is the case, I can still be denied if I pursue a concealed weapons permit. Is this true? Would they have evidence to deny my permit? If so, is there anything I can do to prevent this?Finally, my last questions concerns the need for prior military members to provide a copy of their DD214. I joined the Army and completed boot-camp but was discharged shortly before I was supposed to finish AIT. I received an "Uncharacterized" discharge due to the short length of my service and because the discharge was medically related due to depression. I was given a discharge code of JFV (condition, not a disability). Would anything concerning my DD214 lead to the denial of my concealed weapons permit?Anyway, thanks for all your time if you've read all of this. I would very much appreciate any answers I receive and if there is necessary information I left out, please ask. Thanks again. I had originally posted this in r/ConcealedCarry but surprisingly they don't deal with actual law just the act of carrying and /r/guns has been silent. I hope this is the right place, if not let me know where. Thanks.TL;DR - Have questions about CWP and eligibility in South Carolina via /r/CCW

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