Sunday, December 17, 2017

Looking for something to carry with less recoil

Hi everyone!Im new to the sub and just recently aquired my concealed carry a few weeks ago. I'm about 3 months into shooting as a hobby and I have been practicing with a Ruger SR9E. I love the handgun and I'm very accurate but have a lot of trouble concealing/carrying it comfortably, especially at work where I feel most vulnerable. Yesterday I picked up a Ruger LCP and was IN LOVE it was weird in my hand but perfect for putting in a pocket holster in jeans and sweat pants and I felt very comfortable. However, I took it to the range and wow the recoil. I fired about 50 rounds and my accuracy at 21ft was hitting, just not nearly as well. Understandable, but the recoil was really off putting to me. I feel it may be something ill adjust to, but even holding it felt weird and my hands arent even very large. My question is if there is something in between? I'd like something veryyyy easy to conceal but more accurate and less recoil without losing stopping power. Suggestion? :) via /r/CCW

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