Saturday, December 2, 2017

I almost shot someone last night, and now I am second-guessing if I did the right thing. Opinions?

First post here but I had an encounter last night and I would like yalls opinions on it. So about 10 pm last night I am sitting on my couch in my apartment and I hear a female screaming LOUD outside. I brush it off thinking it may have been a kid playing or whatever. A few seconds later I hear her yell again, but this time I can hear her yelling "HELP!". I grab my ruger LC9 and run outside. I run over to where the screaming is coming from and I see a black male on top of a white female on the ground. I can hear his fists hitting her body. He was beating her pretty good. Without thinking I pull out my gun and I yell at him get the fuck off of her. Safety comes off and I am pointing my gun at him, fully prepared to blast his ass if I see a weapon OR if he comes at me hard. He stands there for a second looking at me, then slowly begins to walk towards me. He didn't say anything the whole time, and he seemed rather calm. As he is walking towards me I am backing up; my ruger pointed at his chest. I am keeping about 15 feet of distance between us. He is slowly walking toward me and I am slowly walking backwards, repeatedly telling him to stop and if he gets any closer I am going to shoot his ass. He still doesn't say anything. At this point I sort of stepped to the side, gun still pointed at his chest, and he walked past me on the sidewalk and walked away. His car was parked about 50 feet away and he gets in it. I keep the gun pointed at him, halfway expecting him to get a gun out of his car. He starts his car and drives off. I call 911 and talk to the female until cops arrive. The female was strangely unaffected by the incident, and said that it is not the firs time he has beat her. Whatever, that's not my problem, but if I am a witness to it you better believe I am going to step in.I was fully prepared to shoot this man if he tried to attack me. I did not see a weapon therefore I did not feel that my or anyone elses life was in danger. If he had come after me that would be a different story. I repeatedly told this man to stop or I would shoot. He was still walking directly at me but not running. It was intense. One minute I am sitting on my couch, the next minute I am trying to figure out in my head whether or not to shoot someone. It happened very fast but I felt like I was thinking very clearly in the moment and was fully aware of what it would take for me to pull the trigger etc.Did I act appropriately? What would you have done? I mean after all I did stop a man from beating a woman and defused the situation quickly without any more violence.I got the mans name from the woman and checked arrest records from last night. He was not arrested. Chances are the cops didn't even look for him and he will go on to beat this woman again. But again that is none of my business as long as it doesn't happen in front of me. via /r/CCW

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