Friday, December 22, 2017

How in the world do you guys carry 3-5 o'clock IWB?

Relatively new CCWer. I recently got my combo pack AIWB and IWB holsters for my Shield from Osborne (the SuperMini is INCREDIBLE) and I can't figure out for the life of me how anybody carries in the 3-5 position without serious printing. Not "my shirt catches on the grip occasionally" but full "you can clearly see the outline of a gun, and damn near read the serial number" printing.I can carry my full-size P226 AIWB under a light button-up and it entirely disappears, but even a smaller gun like the Shield stands out like a sore thumb under t-shirts, button-ups, and light jackets/vests when carrying strong-side IWB.For reference, I'm a little over 6 feet and 190lbs. Share your secrets! via /r/CCW

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