Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I carried a firearm legally at a job in the past, and was discovered. Here's my story.

Basically the circumstances were mostly as he described. I was working in a call center environment and I was carrying lawfully with my concealed weapon permit in the state of Florida. An employee went to our union representative, saying that they saw a gun in my backpack.I was contacted by the center manager in person while on lunch break and asked to come into the meeting room with him, and I happened to have said backpack with me. He specified that I should bring it with me and I had no idea what was going on so I followed him.I enter the room to see mostly unfamiliar faces inspecting me as I entered, and most notably there are two officers from the county staring at me. So I immediately realized that I was the star of the show... They advised me that we were gathered there today as someone told them I was carrying a gun and that the officers would like to search my backpack. I offered it up without hesitation and they rummaged through it to find no firearm. They then asked if I had one in my desk, I told that I did not and offered both my desk key and the information that I currently held a CWP. They weren't interested in checking my desk and were completely satisfied after I showed them my license. They said that even if I was carrying a gun, because I had a permit I was not breaking the law and there was nothing further for them to do. They had actually turned to leave and then one stopped himself and said "hey, are you carrying one on your person?". I replied in the affirmative as I was carrying IWB as I always do, and they were understandably quite confused. The rest of the people in the room shared a collective gasp, and the manager immediately asked if the officers were going to arrest me, again the officers said that I was breaking no laws and that there was nothing to arrest me for. He asked them to disarm me and bring it to my vehicle, which the officers then looked to me and I nodded in the affirmative, so they asked me to inform them how I was carrying so they could disarm me and escort me to the parking lot. They disarmed me, all the while complementing my choice of firearm, my holster, and even the ammo I carried. The suits were appalled at the behavior of the officers, as the officers took the whole situation lightly.We then walked out to my car and the officers profusely apologized and stated firmly that they respected and supported my right to carry, and that they were sorry that they even asked. I told them that they did exactly what they should have and that I didn't fault them in the least. They said they hoped I wouldn't be fired and I told them that I fully intended to make my final exit from the building that day, and that they shouldn't worry about it. We stashed it in my car safe and walked back. The officers shook my hand and bode me farewell.I make it back to the meeting room and they're all anxious to ask me all their questions. I was introduced to one man who was an HR representative from corporate who actually flew in for the occasion. He gave me shit about carrying with one in the chamber, I explained that's the way to carry, and I don't know what made me say it but I told him that especially if you carry a revolver you're always carrying with one in the chamber anyways. This look of realization came across his face as he confessed go being a permit holder himself and carrying a revolver, the thought had never crossed his mind. He didn't treat me with as much distaste going forward. He explained that they all very much appreciated my honesty in the situation, and that I could have lied to the officers and gotten out Scott free, but that I didn't showed that I was a man of character. They explained that regardless of the situation, it was against company policy and that there wasn't a way around that. They asked me if I was aware of the policy and I explained that I had actually printed the policy and had it in my drawer and that I didn't intend to claim ignorance. Again they appreciated my candor, and offered me the following resolution.They offered two paths, I could follow the company policy and there would be a suspension pending investigation and decision, where I would likely be fired and considered a "do not rehire", or they would allow me to resign effective immediately for "personal reasons", and that the investigation would be dropped and nothing would be stored in my "record" about the situation, making it a situation where I could be rehired in the future at that company. I found the latter to be the ideal outcome considering the circumstances, and signed a letter saying just as they said, "personal reasons". The center manager said he hated the situation and wished I didn't have to go, as I was one of the best reps he had (his words). I thanked him for the resolution, and we parted ways.I never attempted to join the company again, and I ended up having a job working for the geek squad lined up, starting roughly three weeks later. I now work for the government, and had no issue with employment, as again I never broke any laws.I'd be happy to answer any other questions y'all may have, either inline here or via message.Thanks y'all. via /r/CCW

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