Thursday, September 28, 2017

On vacation, unarmed. Mentioned it to extended family. Handled it best I could.

Hello fellow intrepid travellers. I come to you today for a bit of advice. I'll try to keep it short.I carry in South Carolina, every day for a little over three years now. My holster is worn and my trusty Glock shows signs of it's duty. Much like an old wallet, my setup is broken in.I'm on vacation with extended family and I left my firearm at home for my own reasons. Most of my family is from the northeast and they simply do not view firearms in the same light I do. They are alright with hunting and some target shooting, but that's about it. They are free to have their own opinions, that's not why I am posting, I'm just trying to set the scene.My cousin is a few years older than me, and I respect her opinion on all sorts of stuff. She has traveled the world in her career and has found herself in sketchier situations than I have had to endure. This might be part of why she doesn't understand why I carry.Last night, she was telling me about how she went and shot some firearms on private land a few months back. She liked it because she was a good shot. I thought that was great and offered to take her shooting if she was ever in town back where I live. Somehow we got on the subject of me carrying a concealed firearm. She knows I carry from a while back, so that wasn't totally new.Anyhow, I mentioned in passing how I felt odd not having my firearm on me. What I meant primarily was that I'm so used to having it on me that it felt like I had left my wallet at home or something. She said my statement scared her, and I just reinforced how I felt like I didn't have my wallet or phone on me. That seemed to put her at ease, and she said you have to choose your words carefully when talking about how I felt. I concealed the fact that I meant exactly what she feared I meant. She thinks there's no place for a concealed firearm at a family gathering. To her, there's nothing to worry about since we are in a safe location with close family. I don't think she could or even wants to understand why I carry even when I feel "safe".OK I started rambling, sorry about that. In conclusion, I continue to excersize situational awareness on my lovely vacation, but I'm perpetually conscious of the fact I'm unarmed. Does anyone else feel this way when on vacation or somewhere you can't have your CCW? Also feel free to roast me for talking CCW with someone I know doesn't believe in it. via /r/CCW

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