Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Testing your carry ammo... Had a little bit of a scare today at the range.

So I went to the range today to help a friend rent and pick out his first ccw pistol. He wanted a single stack 9mm and we were trying out a few of them. (He decided on a Glock 43 for those who want to know)During his testing he asked how much smaller pistols can get so I pulled out my loaded LCP in a desantis pocket holster from my range bag and let him empty the 7 hollow points downrange. I figured I'd fill it with fresh carry loads when he got done.I was waiting to see his reaction of that little .380 bucking and snorting in his hand, but was amazed to see almost no recoil and hardly any noise from the gun. It sounded like a suppressed rimfire going off.Turns out the first round in the chamber that I've been pocket carrying on and off for the last 2 months was a dud. It probably would have been classified as a squib if it wasn't for the LCP's short ass 2.75 inch barrel. It failed to eject and I had to take it from him to clear it out and make sure the bullet did in fact leave the muzzle end of the gun.I immediately stripped the pistol, checked everything over, and then ran every last round of that stuff I had in my bag (Hornaday XTP 90 grain) through the gun without a problem. Only one was a dud. The first one.So now I'm sitting here thinking how awesome that would have been if I had needed that thing to save my life over the past 2 months, I would have been screwed. It would have been different if it was the 3rd or 4th round, but the first one I had loaded in the chamber?..... I mean C'mon!So I ask this to everyone: how would you handle this situation? How often do you check and replace your carry loads? How well do you trust what you are carrying?Thanks for reading. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mbUbmn

The great bathroom stall debate

http://ift.tt/2mD3ngR via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mbV7Hv

I flew with my gun in checked luggage last week. It was easy.

Last week I took my Shield on the road for the first time, flying from Seattle to Las Vegas and back, using my trusty Arizona non-resident permit to ensure I could legally carry while visiting Sin City. We get lots of posts in /r/ccw about how to fly with a firearm so I thought I'd share my end-to-end experiences flying Alaska Air.First up, the case. I bought a Pelican 1170 case and it's perfect for a single-stack gun, one mag, and ammo. I gave the foam a couple of coats of plasti-dip after cutting to help hold it together. The case went in my regular checked suitcase. I used two ABUS 83AL/40 S2 Padlocks with 1" shackles to secure it shut. Yes, the locks cost as much as the case. Don't let shitty locks into your house.Inside of the caseOutside of the caseA nice extra with these non-shitty locks is you can key them to match your house key so you don't have an extra thing on your key ring just for your gun case.At SeaTac airport I told the agent at check-in I had a firearm to declare. He had me sign a statement saying it was unloaded and locked in a secure case. I got one copy of the statement and the carbon copy went into my suitcase near the gun case. I was then directed to a little TSA screening hut where a very bored TSA worker said "firearm?", swabbed the inside and outside of my suitcase, waited till the machine beeped all clear, then stuck a "TSA inspected your bag" paper with a timestamp into my suitcase. Easy.The return flight from McCaran was slightly different. Same paperwork from Alaska Airlines, but there was no little TSA hut. Instead I was instructed to hang around the check-in area for about 10 minutes in case TSA wanted to do an inspection. I hung around then went through security. Easy.In both locations my checked bag popped out with the rest of the baggage on the regular carousel. On the return there was no TSA paper inside my suitcase so I guess they didn't bother to open it. Easy.So yeah, it was easy. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mIFns7

What does it take to carry in NYC?

Just curious. I can open carry non-stop (pretty much) here in Utah but what would it take? Can you file paperwork to make yourself armed security for yourself? Or create a company and be your own security for that? There must be a loophole. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lmMDbS

Well I've finally reached a crossroad

I carry almost every single day, especially when I have to go to the office (I work from home most days, 3-4 days a week). The small company that I work for never had a "Employee Handbook" so there was no rule against carrying at work. However, we were recently bought by another company to which my worst nightmare was realized. The new company doesn't allow me to carry my gun and "other dangerous items" which most likely includes my Kershaw pocket knife that I carry in my pocket.Now I live in MA and after some serious research and reaching out to a 2A lawyer, I discovered that like postings outside businesses, these policies don't bare the weight of the law. Now in the off chance I'm spotted, no legal action can be brought against me but I can lose my job.For those of you that have been in a similar situation what did you do? I've reached the point where I seriously feel naked and hopeless without my gun. Should I continue as normal and carry without any real worry? Or should I suck it up for the 1-2 days that I'm in the office and go in without it? It's worth noting that our new parent company will rarely be in our office, so our normal day to day operations will continue to be the normal team I've been working with for years. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lUj1UZ

Does anybody really Mexican carry..admit it I know one of you does...

Not really a shitpost truly, I wonder how many people who aren't wannabe gangsters or gangsters do this without realizing the many reasons why it's probably a bad idea.There has got to be someone right? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lRhmBf

CCW toilet dilemma

http://ift.tt/2m84Q1j via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2l95Y5c

Traveling to NYC. What have I gotten myself into??

Going to be flying with my lady to NYC in a few months. Currently, I religiously carry and only disarm in places like schools where it is super illegal to carry. My understanding is that there is. I CCW in New York City whatsoever. Is that the case?What would you recommend I do for protection? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mBSegc

Campus gun bill passes Georgia House Public Safety Committee

http://ift.tt/2mBSOe6 via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m4xv6Q

TIFU by trying to clear TSA with two loaded spare mags.

I forgot they were in a back sleeve compartment of one of the pockets of my backpack. As you might well imagine, they did not think that was all that cool. Everyone was pretty nice about it, but very serious. Cops were called. They stood there for a minute and watched as my mags were unloaded. Finally one cop approaches and says, "obviously you know you're not supposed to bring those, right?" I respond, "yeah, total accident." "OK, have a nice day." And they walk away. That was it for the cops.The inspector lady from TSA comes over and explains that my TSA pre-check status will likely be suspended and a fine imposed. She further explains that all of that will take some time to arrive in the mail.TL;DR? Always check your travel bag, (or keep them separate) for ammo.Edit: It is my everyday backpack for laptop and such. Not a range bag. I was allowed to mail the mags home to myself, sans-ammo. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m4Ac8O

Virginia Non Resident CCW Wait Time

I submitted an application for a virginia non-resident ccw (Im in Ohio). I emailed them and they say it will take at least 90 days. Thats a long time! Anyone else have experience with getting this ccw and know if it will really take this long? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lvj34H

Shield 45 vs Glock 30s

Which would you choose? Shield feels good, so does the Glock. Obvious difference is capacity and thickness. Currently have all 9mm's and ready to branch out to a different caliber! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m4av85

There are dozens of us.

http://ift.tt/2m3Ttah via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lvtR2K

CCW license meets military facility gate guard.

No, I was not carrying at the time, it's illegal to carry on military facilities.I just got off active duty, so I took my DD-214 to the RMV to get those sweet, sweet veteran plates. While I was there the lady told me I could update my license as well. I figured it was a good idea because I was still on the under twenty-one license and my picture was from when I was fifteen.The only problem is that that rendered my current license invalid and it was replaced by a temporary one while I wait for the new one to come in the mail. The temporary one is not valid ID.My wife had a medical appointment on the base, but my military ID is expired and my driver's license is invalid. Good thing my state CCW license is a valid photo ID.So I hand it to the officer at the gate and his face was priceless. He just stares at it for a few seconds trying to process what he was seeing. I said "sorry, it's the only valid ID i have right now."I fully expected him to search me and my vehicle but after considering, he just asked if I had a firearm on me. I said negative and he told me to have a good army day (this is an air force facility, but i was driving with army veteran plates).I figured I'd share. It wasn't anything crazy like a DGU, but I had a laugh.tl:dr military id expired, dl invalid, only photo id is ltc. Tried to get on military base, guard got suspicious. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m9BLT3

Conceal Carry and Stubborn Campuses

I frequent CCW, but I didn't want my normal username to be tied up with me in any way, but let me cut to the chase.I plan on going to this University that has a notoriously bad neighborhood around it. In fact, someone was shot in the back as of last night in a drive by shooting. I live in VA where by law the colleges have the last laugh when it comes to campus carry laws.And let me begin, this place is horrible. Not only do they absolutely dislike CCW on campus, but you can not legally in any way even keep your firearm in your car.I am not okay with this one bit, I understand why they would be upset about this, but with what happened in Tech, I do not understand why they would not be more open.So here are my options, I either break the law? or at least campus rules, in which case if I ever had to protect myself I would lose all my education credits and most likely be tried in court as well, or I completely disarm myself to the point to where the half an hour to and from school I am defenseless, because there is no way I am living near there.So what is your advice for me, /r/ccw? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m9c70R

This has been bothering me.

So last week my wife and I are leaving a restaurant when I spot tacticool Joe walking towards the restaurant. He is about 5'7" but is carrying himself like the Hulk. I instantly notice that he has just about every tool one could possibly need attached to his belt with neat black plastic clips. I saw a double mag pouch, fixed blade knife, flash light(come on Joe, it's 0900), something I couldn't identify but suspect was OC, and last but not least his CCW. The massive amount of shit he felt the need to carry had caught his shirt and exposed his utility belt. I was going to tell him his rig was showing but the more I looked at him the more I despised him and decided to let him mall ninja the hell out of some pancakes. Funny thing was I instantly saw this dude. After we left the parking lot I said something to my wife, she never noticed.I feel kind of bad for letting a fellow CCW walk around exposed but fuck me the guy just screamed dick bag. Was I in the wrong? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mGLjBO

Nevada Carry Laws

I'll be traveling to Nevada for the weekend and would like to bring my firearm. I have a CCW permit in Iowa, but googling around a little, I don't believe Iowa permits are allowed in Nevada. Since I'll be flying out this weekend, is there any quick fix I can do for this? Hoping that there is some ruling that I'm not aware of, that will allow my Iowa permit to work. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m8liOY

Springfield EMP4 Lt Weight Champion w/ Alien Gear?

I have an emp4 and looking to buy a few alien gear holsters. they do not have an option for the emp4, anyone recommend a compatible replacement? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lP8RXH

Anybody CC with a threaded barrel?

Anybody carry a suppressor host? Curious what it's like to have that bit of barrel hanging off. Ever run into problems with holsters? Problems on the draw? No discernible difference? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2ljybRO

Crossdraw IWB Holster with Negative Cant Adjustment?

I'm looking for a right handed IWB holster with a negative cant adjustment for a Walther CCP? The closest thing I found is a Vedder LightTuck IWB but it doesn't look like much of a negative cant adjustment....This will be used for mainly driving an a owb or shoulder holster isn't what I'm wanting....Do these exist? I contacted AlienGear they are working on one but wont be out until summer. Any help would be appreciated. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2ltMjcm

Monday, February 27, 2017

Update on my CCP problem, questions about S&W Shield

I contacted Walther via their website about a week ago and received a prompt response stating that they would create a repair case, and requesting my address. I haven't heard anything since, and I'm not sure what my options are going forward, so I gave them a call and left a message. I'm hoping I can get some kind of refund, since I've done a bit more digging and found tons of other CCP owners with the same problem on Walther's forums, plus dubious manufacturing. I have a sneaking suspicion that they'll only offer to repair it.Either way, I'm wary of Walther. If a company will let an airsoft maker build a CCW gun and charge more for the privelage, I'm not buying from them.I picked up a Shield in-store again for the first time since comparing the two on the date of my CCP purchase, and having shot the CCP for a few months, I can't understand why I didn't buy the Shield. If I can swing some kind of buyback or refund and sell my CCP holster, then I'm picking up the Shield.I've already decided on getting a set of I-beam sights for the Shield, and a single-clip, single-side holster. What brands should I look at for those? Are there any other mods that I should consider? I tried an Apex'd model versus the stock trigger (just the trigger safety itself, stock internals), and I don't mind the stock trigger safety at all. Still debating whether to get it with or without thumb safety.EDIT original post via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mF8LiR

General carry questions from an extreme newb

Hey ya'll, extreme newb and Missouri resident here.I currently live on campus at school but will be living off campus next year, and have been pretty dead-set on carrying (when not on campus/at class, of course). I'm really pro-gun, and have shot before, etc. but have never owned a gun as Missouri residents must be 21 to purchase a handgun. Also, Missouri is now constitutional carry for anyone who didn't know.Now, the real meat of the post. I really liked a family member's Glock-19. I have been seriously eyeing a Glock either 17 or 19 but am not dismissive of a 1911-type handgun as I like that platform as well. The problem is that I have no experience carrying a gun, open or concealed, and want to know what others think before dropping what I consider a large chunk of change on a gun, belt, holster, etc.Also, SOB carry is unhealthy so I won't be doing that, but I am attracted to AIWB. Having said that, I am not opposed to OWB carry. I assume that it's all personal preference.So, really, my questions are (for simplicity's sake):1) Glock 17 or 19?2) Is there an affordable (glock pricerange) 1911? Preferably 9mm because .45 is more expensive3) Do I just need to try on holsters to get a feel for where I want to carry? AIWB, OWB, etc.4) I am expecting to spend near $1000 for the gun, belt, holster, sufficient ammo, essientially everything I need to carry when I'm ready. Is that accurate for a Glock 19 or 1911 carry?Thanks in advance guys and gals.P.S. If there's something I missed and you want to share some knowledge, please do! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m5IoGe

Update on stalker situation (the girl whose college campus doesn't have security is exempt from campus carry)

I hope it's okay to post an update! This subreddit is the first community on Reddit that has been helpful to me and I felt like you guys had my back, so I wanted to give you an update on my situation. If this is too off-topic and inappropriate for the subreddit please let me know and I’ll certainly stop! (This update isn’t strictly campus-related, it’s the whole situation)Preemptive TL;DR:Stalker stalked, workplace prevented me from calling 911Stalker admitted to stalking me via recorded phone call w/ LEOShot off 50 rounds @ target practice, guns are funEstablishing a shooting area in my yardSetting up a reloading stationSet up a meeting with school official and advocate from the domestic violence center to discuss campus safetyGetting escorted to my vehicle at nightTax return arrived, looking at a Ruger LC9s to carryLooking at joining a women’s gun clubSince my post about there being no security on my school's campus my crazy idiot stalker (Crazypants) stalked me at work again. My workplace intentionally prevented me from calling 911 with the warning that the last person who called 911 lost their job. The reasoning was that my company doesn't want to stop anyone from shopping there (even though it's literally illegal for him to even be in their parking lot even when I'm not there). So I clocked out early and went to the police station.The responding officer was wonderful, so professional, and had a lot of excellent advice. I have 8 to 12 (I’d have to check) open cases against Crazypants for stalking and have interacted with a lot of officers through all this, and this one is definitely in my top two favorites. Great guy. He called Crazypants (which is common - they call him to see wtf his story is). Crazypants admitted to stalking me because he "just wanted a peek" at me. The call was recorded, yay! I look forward to that one making it to court. His jury trial for a previous stalking incident is coming up in May.Obviously preventing me from calling 911 was illegal (KSA 21-5909) and had they allowed me to call while he was there he'd be in custody right now (and he’s out on bond from another stalking arrest, so getting arrested again would be excellent). When I went back to work my boss had spoken to the district manager who said to not prevent me from calling again (also if I got wrongfully fired for this I'd sue the company's pants off).The next day I got paid leave because they didn't want me on the premises while they figured out what to do with me and my situation. Paid leave was pretty cool because I wound up setting up a shooting area in my yard (I live in the country) and went through 50 rounds with my dad's 45. I would have done more but I ran out of ammo. My dad is setting up a reloading station in the locked room of his barn and will be teaching me to reload ammo. So we’ll have an area for target practice and I’ll be reloading, yay!I set up a meeting with the Vice President of my school and an advocate from the local domestic violence center to discuss campus safety. It’ll be on Friday. I really hope we come up with an agreeable solution to the lack of security on campus! If not, I’ll need to figure out my next course of action.Also I’m getting escorted to my car when I go out. So like, last Friday I left my preferred establishment at 2:30am and had an employee escort me to my truck. I’m a regular and they know what’s going on and are happy to walk me until Crazypants is behind bars. I’m not going to do my usual routine of location hopping because I think for now I should probably stick to one location, especially one where the employees are all gorgeous strong, young men who know my situation, and as such would respond quickly with the knowledge of what’s going on. Plus, their cameras seriously catch everything, so there would be recorded evidence should Crazypants show up. (BTW, obviously when I’m carrying I won’t be drinking, but I don’t have to drink to have fun so that’s totally fine with me)Also my tax return arrived today! And it’s enough for a Ruger LC9s (which is what I’m leaning toward but I’m not 100% sure yet)! I’m super excited to start carrying, even if I can’t carry at work or at school. I’m also thinking about joining a women’s gun club. From what I’ve seen of the local chapter on Facebook they seem like the right demographic for me. It also looks like they have a guest speaker at each meeting and they host self-defense demonstrations. Plus their membership comes with discounts with certain retailers.So that’s what has happened in the past six days. Thank you guys for being so helpful last time. I live in a constitutional carry state so once I decide for sure which firearm I want I’ll go buy it and join your ranks! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mFb1X5

FL CCW Advice Needed

So I left CA where I held a CCW. We are closing on a home in Florida within a few weeks. Is that established residence or is there a waiting period?What are the chances my CA CCW training from 2 years ago qualifies as training for my FL CCW?Any other advice? Thank you. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lQgo6G

Why do people carry their favorite/cool handguns?

I carry a Glock 43 with aftermarket sights.. it works, I'm proficient with it, and it was purchased as a carry gun knowing that should it ever serve its purpose its possible it'll spend the rest of its days in an evidence locker.I see post after post, on other subs mostly, of someone's new "EDC" that's been heavily modified, custom milling, red dot sights, rails, etc, etc. I'm all for investing in and making firearms as we want them. I just don't understand doing all of that to a gun who's express purpose it to be used and then likely surrendered to an evidence lockup for good.This isn't Call of Duty... we likely won't get to keep the gold plated AK47 after we use it one someone. What am I missing? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m5uvaO

Shirt rides up and doesn't fall back down with 4-5 O'Clock carry

Any suggestions on how to prevent your shirt from getting caught on your firearm when bending over or sitting down? I know I could start carrying appendix and fix this problem but I've never liked carrying appendix. Suggestions? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lQlXlQ

Screw D.C. Gun Laws (What I will have to do moving to D.C. with firearms)

I'm a college student (originally from the wonderfully free state of Missouri) finally figuring out my living arrangements for this Fall in DC, where I go to school. I was hoping (and still intend to) to bring a rifle or two for taking my friends to the range in Virginia and my handgun for apartment defense and the zombie apocalypse.Reading up on the laws, I realize that I have to declare to the MDP that I will be bringing a gun into the District and then register each one within 48 hours of that. Then I look at the form, and it literally asks where I will be keeping the weapons on a regular basis. Then I look and its a $13 registration fee per firearm. I have to pay to keep my own property in my own home and whatnot? "Gosh, at least its only $13 each," I think to myself. Then after more reading I have to get the firearm from my apartment to the MDP HQ to finish the registration (which I am not even sure is legal and might get me arrested--I will certainly consult a lawyer beforehand). Then I have to pass a test; I have no idea what happens if I fail. Finally, I have to pay another $35 fee to have the FBI do a background check and get myself fingerprinted... again. As a student barely able to afford college, I can really see how gun laws disproportionately affect lower income persons wanting to defend themselves/exercise their rights.All this, and I already have my MO CCW permit which includes far more than that just to keep my firearms locked in my home.Thanks for listening to my rant. I just needed to vent to some people who understand. Looking back, I would certainly pick a different school. Also, living across the river in Virginia isn't really an option for me at this point.Edit: spelling via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lNBeFD

Great experience with Ares Gear

Hey r/CCW, I've been using an Ares Gear belt for about 8 months. It's the Aegis Enhanced model, and It's been a great Gun belt, and has made carrying comfortable. I noticed that the webbing the belt is built out of was separating where the buckle sits. I contacted them about repairs under their warranty; The gentleman I was in contact with (Daniel) told me I could send them the belt and they'd repair it and ship it back asap, as well as covering the cost of shipping. I sent them the belt on a Tuesday and it was at my post office ready for pickup on a friday.All in all, I am thoroughly impressed by their customer service and their product. I'll definitely be purchasing from ares gear again!! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mn5sR1

Boxers or Briefs: Appendix Carry

I know this is a silly question and please don't upvote. I just ordered a T Rex Arms Raptor for appendix carry and normally wear briefs. So I am concerned about comfort. Has any one experienced discomfort with one more than the other? Again please don't upvote... via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lhreB1

Free Mag Carrier with Alien Gear Holster Purchase - today only.

http://ift.tt/2lYJbYS via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mwysCO

Aliengear Cloak Tuck, Galco Kingtuk, MTO Hybrid, or other similar style holster for XDS 9mm 3.3?

Any suggestions? Anyone carry an XDS9 in any of these?http://ift.tt/2mDydVS via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m3f4QE

My CCW instructor told me to leave my MP Shield stock, no Apex trigger or ANYTHING else. Said a defense attorney would say I was trying to more effectively kill my target if I use it.

That sounds like bullshit to me. But feedback? Plenty of you have gorgeous non-stock modded CCWs. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m3khaT

I have to be different and sometimes it makes life difficult.

I recently purchased an EAA Witness “Fab 92” 9mm, this one. My understanding is it’s basically the Witness P but with a slide mounted decocker instead of frame-mounted safety, and without a front rail. I absolutely love it and want to start carrying it more, but I’m having a hard time finding a good holster. I have a decent quality universal fit nylon holster that works in a pinch, but it’s far from ideal.I’ve done a ton of research and gone through several manufacturers on the “good holster” list, with limited success. My best lead right now is that Tommy Theis has holsters for the Witness P that he thinks should work since the biggest physical difference is the rail (and since the Fab 92 doesn’t have one, it should fit inside a holster made for one).My ideal holster would be a single-clip in either all kydex (i.e. Clinger Stingray) or hybrid (i.e. Theis EZ-Clip) with a 15-degree cant and backing to keep the beavertail from digging into my side (at 3:00). But I’m open to suggestions. Adding to the challenge, I would prefer to have something that covers the full barrel. The end of the slide has a couple sharp corners that will wear holes in jeans faster than you can sale “Levis on sale.”Anyone else have experience with the Fab 92 and/or finding a holster for one? Any suggestions? Anything I’m missing? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mwaVls

Make sure to stay ready like this guy [nsfw gif]

http://ift.tt/2mwnFc0 via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m3g5In

Glock 19 CCW at 12 o'clock - holster suggestions?

I usually appendix carry my G19 with a raven eidolon. I am looking for something that I can easily put on / remove at the 12o'clock position when I need to arm / disarm frequently through the day.Suggestions? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2l4A1uQ

CCW Robbery Scenario (What would you do?)

Witness to Armed Robbery Kills One, Two ArrestedThis happened not too far from where I live. I have my own thoughts on the matter, but what do you guys think; was this a good shoot? Should the guy come forward? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mvX8eU

I went to the movie theaters last night and there was a big old no gun sign blatantly on the entrance. I read a little more on it and it said it is against the law to carry in that establishment. Is it actually against the law or did they just buy a big sign to steer CCW owners away? I still carried

No text found via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m1SuYC

Any small guys carry a Glock 19-sized gun?

I'm considering getting an SD9ve which is very similar to the size of the Glock 19 and I'm wondering how hard it would be to conceal. I'm a pretty small guy (5'9" 130#). I have an M&P Shield 9mm that I can appendix carry just fine but I'd like the extra capacity of the SD9ve. Anyone have any advice? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lWwQoc

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Moronic Monday - Feel free to ask anything relating to CCW. February 27, 2017

Ask away. This is a judgment free thread where all questions are welcome, no matter how idiotic they may seem. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lpUfvd

This man had a little bit of that good old "situational awareness"

http://ift.tt/2l0PawZ via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m1av9a

M&P Shield 45 rubbing me raw!

I love love loove my Shield 45!The grips are great, too great. Carried an SD9VE for a couple years and moved up to this. Carried 4:00 today and the grips are wrecking my flesh. I have some love handles. Rocking the Alien Gear 3.0.So, any advice? I feel like any undershirts would just get torn up by these grippy mothers. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mu8rnM

I carry IWB either 8 o'clock or appendix and a couple of times in the past few months I have noticed that the mag has been released from pressing against my body. Any recommendations for a lefty G43 holster that protects the magazine release? Pic is of my current holster which doesn't protect it.

http://ift.tt/2mkZ5xX via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lewzck

Tuckable conceal holster?

Hey recently purchased a ruger lcp 2 need recommendations on a tuckable conceal carry holster, most likely going to carry in the 5 o clock position. Thanks for any future input via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m0tBwu

FL Non-Resident CCW

Last week applied for the FL CCW non-resident ($112). The instructions said it takes up to 90 days to process. 90 days !? Anybody recently get theirs? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mB5kK4

Trijicon HD XR's for CCW?

Thoughts on these sights over the regular trijicon hd's? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m0BWzW

How often to you clean your CCW and with what?

I daily my cz p07 aiwb, and I must be slacking with my cleaning routine. Noticed a Little spot of rust on the end of my slide yesterday. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lKmebq

Looking for IWB suggestions for Sig p938 but I'm pretty lean

I bought a Sig Sauer p938 a couple of months ago and love it and am in the market for a IWB holster.The main problem is that I am pretty skinny, 23 yo male weighing at 140lbs and am roughly 5 foot 8.I would prefer for people not to realize that I am carrying but with the stock holster it makes it very obvious that something is under my shirt. Does anyone have some recommendations for holsters?I don't really mind about the price more so that I am able to inconspicuously carry it. Also I don't have a preference yet of where the gun is situated on my waist. So far I've noticed it's less obvious on my back rather than my right side. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2loARyI

I may have made a mistake with my LTC application (TX)

I moved to Texas in August. A little more than six months later, I submitted an online application for my LTC. Texas requires you to be a legal resident of the state for six months before being eligible for a resident LTC. Despite living here for over six months I just realized I didn't get my TX driver's license until four months ago.Was I legally a Texas resident before I got my new driver's license or did I only become a resident after I got it. If I wasn't a resident should I have applied for an out of state LTC?I'm really worried about having to pay the fee again, because I'm just a student and don't have much money. The entire reason I waited six months in the first place was because I couldn't afford the fees and class. It was very frustrating being priced out of my second amendment right but that's another issue... via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2lKmCqv

Texas Sen. Cornyn Announces Senate Companion Bill To Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill In House

http://ift.tt/2lbxBFY via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mAwKjd

Black Arch Holsters

Does anyone have any experince in owning/using a Black Arch IWB holster? Found the company on Instagram, their website seems to have decent products. Thought about ordering one, but would like some input from previous owners before I make a decision. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2l18zhB