Saturday, November 20, 2021

thoughts on iwb with pants, but relying on suspenders to keep pants up?

in summer i wear athletic shorts and i found a leather iwb holster that is actually good about not being on a belt. the waistband of my shorts bunches up under the clip and has very good retention at staying on the waistband. i wear athletic shorts purely for comfort reasons. i've always hated pants squeezing me around the waist. this is how i carry on weekends, and in summer when i take off my overalls after work because it's hot and i don't want to wear them when i don't have to. when i have the summer overalls on, i pocket carry. it's not as covert, but it works and i don't have a waistband to carry in with overalls so what can you do about winter, sometimes i pocket carry with a vedder, and other times i use my leather iwb holster in my dominant side of the overall bib with a shirt over the top. the printing is somewhat visible but not overly conspicuous and it doesn't look like a gun. most of the time in winter i am wearing an unzipped coat which covers it entirely.since i've been relying on overalls for a while and have found them comfortable, i am thinking, why not try to go back to pants? i could find some very roomy pants that have plenty of empty crotch space and are loose enough in the waist that i'm not being suffocated and keep them up with suspenders under my shirt, then for iwb, get a nice thick carry belt and have it snug enough that it's close to my body without my edc stuff clanking around, but loose enough that i don't feel suffocated by it, so that the suspenders are doing most of the work of keeping my pants up.have any of you guys tried this, and do you have any thoughts on this? i've always thought that the key to iwb with jeans is that the waist is very snug like how jeans are normally worn, but i don't know that that's necessarily true. i would prefer to always carry the same way if possible, always iwb in the same place for consistency rather than switching between pocket, a belly band-esque position with winter overalls, and iwb when only in shorts. via /r/CCW

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