Monday, November 29, 2021

Self defense against bullies

A lot of bullies like to pretend they are your friend but they do things like manipulate you into giving them things and sometimes even hit you as a joke. This happened to me, and I'm going to tell you how intimidation can work sometimes.

There was a girl who was my friend but often she would smack me across the head a LOT. When she would walk by me, when she would approach me, when I said something stupid, etc.

Anyways one day I got fed up and I was venting to a friend about it and I told her that "if she puts her hands on me one more time I'm going to beat the shit out of her" I didn't say it in a mad tone or with a mad expression but I said it in a certain way to show that I was serious. This friend of mine whom I told was also friends with her.

The friend that I told about this told her, and she never did it again.

Words really can do something sometimes. I was pretty small when this happened, real scrawny. I had been in a fight before this all happened with another girl who was in the friend group kind of. She was a bully and I did not want to fight her but it happened anyway. I got real good hits in but I was on the floor and in school everyone knows that if you're on the floor then you pretty much lost.

But maybe the fight i had been in before, scared her into thinking I would hurt her or something. At the time I wasn't really going to hit her if she hit me again but it was the start of me being able to defend myself against bullies.

Submitted November 29, 2021 at 02:25PM by No_Fruit4090

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