Monday, November 22, 2021

Someone have been breaking in my house

I don't know if this fits here but right know I'm very scared and confused.

For the past weeks I've had the constant feeling that something is off in my house everytime I come back home.

I live alone and usually before going out I always let things in settled in a specific way but when I come back home some of that things are in different spots etc.

Thinks like found clothes I put in the basket on the floor, ran out of orange juice, my bed looking like some sleep there instead of how I leave it before going out. I shrugged that feeling think I may be seeing thinks.

I few days ago something weird happened I keep my very strong sleep pills in my nightstand and antidepressants in my kitchen counter, I've been like this for years because it's easy for me to take a pills from the nightstand before going to bed and easier to remember to take my antidepressant in the morning after breakfast somehow I mixed them because they changed place. I would never change them of place on purpose.

Another thing is I've been noticing some underwear is missing. I asked my boyfriend if I let it at his place but he said no.

Finally, and I know I'm stupid for this but I always lost my keys, I've lost the count how many time I come home to realice I lost my key and I cant get it. So I keep a spared key in a spot in my roof (my porch roof is very low, so by climbing in a chair I can easily touch the top), to make it easier to find it I put it over a little mark in the roof, I don't think nobody but me notice this small detail.

Well, yesterday when I come home I notices I didn't have my keys with me, I spotted the mark on the roof and when I went looking for my key the weren't there but 60cm from the spot I'm 100% sure I left my key.

This detail is important because I know exactly where I put my key last time I used it.

Honestly I panicked because everything made sense now. I'm scared because this is someone that have been taking my underwear and probably mixing my meds on purpose.

I called my boyfriend and staying with him until my locks are changed but honestly I feel so unsafe.

I don't know what action took or if is anything I can do.

Submitted November 22, 2021 at 07:03AM by Wonderful-Dirt-2320

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