Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Non CCW person asking for advice on a hardcore CCW brother who won't compromise.

I understand that some of you may not like this post, but please know that I am looking for constructive conversation and actually do have an open mind on the subject.I own many guns. Handguns, shotguns, rifles. I support the 2nd amendment.I do not have a concealed carry permit, nor do I open carry.My brother on the other hand always carries. When he visits from out of town, he always has his gun on him.The last time he visited, he was carrying and his gun was often shown when he stretched or moved. It was in no way concealed to the average person.I live in a small, liberal town, and this happened in a store owned by a client of mine. I have about 20 clients in this small town and many would not appreciate someone carrying a gun in their store. These people literally keep my own business alive amd food on my table.I have asked him to not carry when he visits me. This is mainly to protect my business that relies on these clients that may not appreciate his desire or right to carry. In response, he calls me a sellout and claims I am a coward. My response was that he doesn't carry while he is working, as he would be fired. But, somehow the fact that I own my business while he works for someone else makes it different in his mind. He has said that I refuse to compromise and refuses to associate with me anymore. His compromise is not carrying in my house, which to me is not a compromise, but a legal necessity if I don't allow it. On my side, I have said that I have no problem with him carrying in his own town and I am fine spending time with him there.I'm asking for any advice on how to have a rational conversation with him when he is willing to give up his relationship with me in order to continue to not compromise on his right to carry.I thank those of you who give helpful advice, I do appreciate it. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/30TmFY5

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