Monday, July 22, 2019

NY Dutchess County Pistol Permit

I know this may belong in r/nyguns but I figured with sub would be more helpful with its focus on CCW.Tomorrow I have an appointment at the Sheriff’s office for my finger printing and interview regarding my pistol permit application. I just turned 21, have never been arrested or in trouble with the law, and on my application filled in the reasons I’m applying for a CCW as “Target shooting and all other lawful purposes.”I’m a little worried that because of my age I am less likely to be issued my CCW, and I’m also unsure of what to expect from the interview. Dutchess County is a “may issue” county, and so I need to justify why I want a CCW. Specifically, what do I say when I’m asked, “why should we issue you a concealed carry permit.” I range/target shoot often with my rifles, and so plan on shooting often with pistols too, as well as carry for self-protection. A few people advised me not to bring up self-defense as a reason, as it could make me sound like a nut and will make the interviewer think I’m just waiting to kill somebody. So, if all I say is target shooting, they’ll want to issue me a premises permit- just possession at home and directly to and from the range.I’ve seen somebody on here mention that in their interview his reason for unrestricted was to ensure that he was not inadvertently in a local violation in one locale vs being fine in another locale while traveling or visiting family for hunting/shooting sports. Do you think that will suffice as a valid reason for issue of a CCW?I should add that my application checks out. I’ve been a resident of the county all my life and my references are solid- two of whom have carry permits themselves, so no problems on the application side.Any advice about what to say/expect will help. via /r/CCW

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