Friday, July 26, 2019

Non-Violent, but Strange Encounter

I live in Florence, South Carolina and the downtown area, while not as bad as it used to be, still has some things you should be wary about. I am currently unable to carry a gun, as my state gives CWPs at age 21, but I do pocket carry a knife in case something violent goes down where I can't run away.I was outside of a store downtown, inside my car, when a homeless man approached and asked if he could "earn a soda by washing my headlights." I told him that he didn't have to earn anything and I'd go get him the drink, but as we approached the store, I asked if he would walk in front of me. This angered the man and he began to talk about how he felt uncomfortable and how he was harmless. I went in the store and bought him the drink, and when I brought it out to him, he was still somewhat angry with me.I know that I messed up with this encounter and I would like advice so that I won't replicate it in the future. via /r/CCW

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