Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Is there any comprehensive study/collection of interviews of citizens after DGUs?

I've lately been wondering if there's any study or collection of interviews setup anywhere of folks who have ever been in DGU scenarios.I think it would be very informative to learn from those who have been through such situations. What they experienced, what they used, how it's affected them since then and how do they behave nowadays after such instances.It may seem silly to some but I've wondered if there are those who've been in DGU scenarios and ended up changing what they carry, what they do, et hoc genus omne.I remember reading about the cop who ended up carrying 100+ rounds of .45 after a particular incident with a substance abuser. Makes me wonder what private citizens' reactions have been after having to use their firearms in self defense.Edit: and yes, I'm also subbed to /r/dgu via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2KbBkBM

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