Friday, July 26, 2019

I'm rethinking not carrying in my house

This is part of a post from NextDoor. There isn't anything identifying, but mods feel free to change or delete.Last night, our house was broken into while my wife and child were home. My wife called me thinking I was downstairs. While on the phone, I hear her scream non-stop and suddenly go silent. My heart stops. Later, I would see on the cameras that one burglar held our dog down while the other was upstairs between my wife and son. It's God's grace they decided to run and not do harm. They didn't take anything. They didn't vandalize anything. They simply made a bee-line upstairs then ran... We have a dog. We had lights on. We have hidden cameras. We have visible cameras. We have a reliable security system with signage. None of it deterred the intruders. If it wasn't for great neighbors who ran over to the house and got my family out, I don't know what would have happened.​That pretty much covers it. This is a very good neighborhood in a very good part of town. This happened in broad daylight, btw. via /r/CCW

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