Thursday, July 18, 2019

Glock fanbois - just stop it, please.

Look, I don't dislike Glocks, and I know they're as reliable as any well-maintained pistol - but does almost every recommendation here have to be a Glock? Sometimes it's a good fit for the person asking opinions - but often, that's all they've tried and think "that's what a handgun should be like". Nothing could be further from the truth, there's a whole world of different brands out there and they're bringing "new and improved" versions seemingly every day.I CCW'd a full-size 1911 for many, many years, but don't carry one now very often except to the range - so I'm not one of those geezers who hasn't seen the advantages of newer guns, and there's the rub; which newer gun? I wasn't happy carrying AIWB with a pistol that has no external safeties, others may not value their left/right femoral as much. That only is a concern with reholstering, and opinions vary about whether or not you should do that in a dust-up. I have no answer to that, it depends on your legal system, and where and who you are if things go badly. This why I advocate pre-emptive Federal CCW.Gun choice is more personal than underwear in most cases. Explore the possibilities as there are a lot of options available - including Glock. Honestly, if the G19 had felt natural in my hand I would have gone that route with other versions to follow. Looking at it with this forum's "popularity filter" in place, I'd say a G19 + G26 would be perfect ... if you shoot them well. I didn't even "point" them well, the geometry is off for me. I could adapt, but throwing away 50 years behind the trigger for the sake of something that may or may not be better? Not for me. via /r/CCW

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