Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Will I be able to get a permit to carry in NYC?

Before I blow $500 on the process, I figured I should ask if anyone with experience would know what my odds are.​I am applying for a business carry license, which may be granted for safety related reasons not related to business.The need is as follows:There are recurring potential threats to me/my family's safety/lives.The area around my family's home over the past few months has seen an increase in criminal activity, such as burglaries, individuals brandishing and discharging firearms, and gang violence.Fairly recently, an individual has entered our yard, broken into our garage, and has stolen property. Similarly, a large group of people were walking past the house and discharged what appeared to be a sawed-off shotgun into the air. Me/my family members very well could have been outside at the time this happened, and possibly could have been targeted by these people as a result.The arising concern is that an individual may decide to break into our home with the intention to burglarize me/my family and murder us in the process, or fire upon/intend to murder me/my family as I am leaving/entering the house. In other words, a legitimate threat to our lives from which there is no escape/retreat exists.Additionally, whenever a nearby crime occurs, we cooperate with the NYPD/detectives, and share surveillance video from our security cameras. Every once in a while, we are asked if we could share video recordings from the security cameras. We are always happy to be of assistance - but the concern as a result is that if evidences of crimes (such as the discharge of what appears to be a shotgun in front of our house by a large group of people) is used in court, these individuals and their friends then know where we live and may seek to harm us.Finally, another concern arises due to our financial position. My father owns a business and our house is one of the nicer ones on the block. In other words, the concern is that our home sticks out a bit from the rest, and may lure individuals intending to burglarize us or cause them to specifically target us.​(Yes, there will be security camera frames and police reports to back these up, when asked).And the requirements to fit my needs are as follows:(1) To carry the handgun when exiting/entering the residence, such as when walking to my vehicle, or when walking from my vehicle to the residence.(2) To carry the handgun on/around the property, such as within the backyard or around the home, and(3) To store the handgun within the residence when not in use, and to store the handgun in a safe which itself is in a separate compartment of the vehicle not immediately accessible to any occupants, such as the trunk, in the time between exiting/entering the residence.(Unloaded, gun lock, ammunition in a separate safe of course).Here are the problem bits/what I am concerned about:I also live in Pennsylvania. I am a college student there, and have my own place. My Driver's License is from PA. I do have my mail/utility bills mailed to NYC, however, proving that I live there too. I am licensed to carry in PA - I'm not sure if that will help or harm my case. In other words, I am a resident of both states - but my gov't issued ID is from PA.My plan for this is, whenever I leave the state/in my absence, the firearm will be safeguarded by my father, who already has a premises permit. I do not bring the NYC handgun to PA, and I do not bring the PA handgun to NYC. I feel like to the person reviewing the application, it should be obvious I live in both states - but I'm worried they'll just outright reject it due to lack of the NYC driver's license.What are your thoughts? Do I even stand a chance of successfully obtaining this? via /r/CCW

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