Sunday, June 30, 2019

June CCW Match Winners

We wish to thank everyone who entered the June Match, and we hope you all had as much fun shooting it as we did watching your videos!Picking three winners was very difficult. There were a lot of exceptional entries-- this subreddit is full of some great marksmen!Overall winner... /u/seseous. Holy smokes, you shot that with a subcompact? Our hats are off to you! Nice! Fire a PM our way with your shipping address, shirt size, and email address. We're hooking you up with a $100 store credit and a couple Tier 1 Concealed shirts!Runner-up: /u/mountainrecce. Nice movement! For taking the initiative to step it up a notch, we're hooking you up with some shirts. Send a PM our way with your shirt size and shipping address.Runner-up: /u/frieghttrain14: We're hooking you up with some bragging rights to your husband that you won! Send a PM with your shirt size and shipping address, and we'll send some shirts your way. via /r/CCW

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