Saturday, February 23, 2019

Use your "psychology" during fight!

I had handled many desperate situations. Like, when I faced with 10 people. ALTOGETHER. And I'd like to share to every fellow amateur/pro martial artists that, how to use psychology during that situation like I had this one.

  1. Never use takedowns - Why it is so necessary? Because if you use a grapple on your opponent's neck from behind, or you have managed to take him down onto the ground and you keep hitting him (on the ground), the other 9 is still having a whole lot of free space to attack you and beat the heck out of you.
  2. Always look the strongest one for yourself - This is also an important part during these situations, because it's usually like, you'd be facing with a pack of wolves and you have to look for the "pack leader" - and if you've dominated over the leader -, approximately, the other 2-3 of them are still trying to find a gap on your shield but the others may have run away from the fright.
  3. Make advantage of your opponent's power - Are you a bit younger than your opponent? And is he having a muscular body? And is he provoking a fight with you? is he keep bullying you? No problem! Call your inner psychology and imagine to yourself that "I'm so strong, I can deal with a whole army by myself!" Then your opponent will think twice that he's ever have picked you again.
  4. Handling threats - If somebody says - "I'll beat the crap out of you!" OR WORSE - Then the answer to the fire is with fire is the most appropriate. Sometimes, you have to step out the line and you have to show your other self to those guys, who've messed with you. In other words, death threats are not always a good solution, but useful in such situations, when you want to cry it out, that "ENOUGH! LEAVE ME ALONE AT LAST!" - You need to do it sometimes, because it makes you feel a bit relieved. Just like I had enough of that silly provokation back in 6 years ago in my high school. And mostly that "bully's" reaction to this: "I'd like to see you trying." - THIS is the sign of this ladies and gentleman, that the hunter becomes hunted: so to speak, the provokator will feel himself in danger, threatened mortally, just like the others are trying to laugh on this to fade their fear and talk to each other like - "You can't be serious, can you?" - And then, don't forget to demonstrate your power on them.
  5. Try to predict your opponent's moves - A fight can have many outcomes. Such as you'd be trying to attack 2 of them at least. But you can also see that those guys won't be doing anything because if you have told that what will happen and you have made it happen. And mostly at least in most of the fights the opponent can't be normally fighting, just trying to hug you like some fag. And the others are just standing like some dicks in a wedding ceremony.

I hope you all enjoyed it!

Submitted February 23, 2019 at 09:20PM by Monkey_D_Bufford

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