Thursday, February 7, 2019

Story time: The day I decided my beloved G19 might not be all that as an EDC.

A recent thread recently jogged my memory about an experience I had a few years ago and wanted to share with you guys.I always grew up thinking that a Glock 19 was the perfect EDC. Reliable, good capacity, decent stopping power. It was the first gun I bought and I carried it for several years with no problems. Until that fateful day when I realized just how outgunned I really was with this little peashooter.I was last in line at a Chipotle during the lunch rush. Probably 20 people in front of me, at least, with the line stretching out the door. I was finally just getting past the door, keeping an eye on my watch since my lunch hour was almost halfway through, when someone shoved past me to leave. In their haste, they dropped their precious burrito and spilled a huge soda all over my feet. "Aw, damn!" He yelled.Everyone's attention turned to the noise behind me. I stared back at those 20 faces, all silently staring at me in curiosity. My brain instantly went into warp speed, and I figured out I was pinned in, the doorframe to my left and right, customers front and back. Fuck. Me. Is this really happening? What the fuck do these guys want? Am I going to get robbed?My hand creeps towards my G19, as all I am seeing is two employees walking towards me. Finally one of them says, "Hey, sorry man, let me grab you some paper towels." I glanced toward the front, and sure enough, the manager is grabbing some paper towels from the back. I nod and say "No problem." or something similar, and the guy heads back to the front to grab them.As I was coming down from the adrenalin rush, knees and hands shaking, hand still inches from my G19, I thought about the gunfight math. I never figured I might have to deal with 20 guys at once in the most crime-free state in the nation, but it could have happened that day.I realized that even though I was in no actual danger, and I had completely made up the threat in my head all along, that I needed to post it here, to /r/CCW, as if I had actually escaped from narrow death. I'm sure your heart rate went up a tick just reading that. Anyway that's why now I only carry an Uzi with several backup extendo mags. via /r/CCW

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