Sunday, February 10, 2019

Skinny guy holster opinions needed: Dara Minimalist vs Black Arch Protos-M

I just bought a Walther PPS M2 and I'm trying to sort through my various holster options. I've been looking around at holsters for quite a while and there are two that I'm seriously considering: Dara's Minimalist and Black Arch's Protos-M. This is my first time buying a holster for concealed carry. I'm mainly looking for a tuckable holster with appropriate retention.I could use some input on two issues.I haven't seen any reviews on the Dara Minimalist; I'm not sure if it's a newer product from them, but I can't seem to track down any actual reviews of that specific holster. All I can find are reviews for their other IWB products. Anyone have any insight on that model? Dara has a great reputation, so I'm pretty confident buying a holster from them, but any first-hand reports on the Minimalist in particular would be awesome.I'm really skinny (120-125 lbs, 5'11"). I've read that hybrid holsters, especially hybrids that add a decent amount of bulk to your setup, can be problematic for skinny people printing-wise. The Protos-M looks really comfortable (and the retention on the 3/4 trigger guard coverage seems really cool), but if the extra width is going to cause printing problems, I'm not sure it's worth it. That's why I was interested in a full kydex, especially the Dara Minimalist, since there's very minimal (ha) bulk to them. I've also read that dual clip hybrids can be awkward for the very slimwaisted, since there's not much waist real estate to work with. Any thoughts on that would be awesome. (FWIW, I'm in Texas, so printing isn't a massive concern, but if a hybrid is going to stick out and not move with my body well due to my waist size, it may not be the best choice?) I've seen people say full kydex is awesome for skinny people, I've seen other people say it completely sucks comfort/printing-wise; basically the same situation for hybrids. So many different opinions.So I'm pretty much trying to decide between a full kydex that might sacrifice some comfort for a slim, less bulky/print-y rig and a hybrid that's padded up, but might prove awkward/possibly uncomfortable on a slimmer waist. At this point, I'm inclined to just buy the Dara and try it out, since it's significantly less than the Black Arch (less than $47 shipped with coupon code, IIRC). That price point is very attractive to me given Dara's reputation. I haven't really been looking at other hybrids for retention reasons. I don't mind spending a bit extra if the Black Arch is worth it, though.Any wisdom or other suggestions you've got would be awesome. via /r/CCW

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