Saturday, February 16, 2019

Gas Station Encounter

I just finished washing my car. Drove to the Kwik Trip to get some gas. 3:40pm. Just about 40 min ago. My head is always on the swivel at gas stations. I pull in. Unscrew my gas cap. Reach for my wallet. I’m right in front of the pump about to reach for my wallet. This Guy comes around my left side of the pump within an arm’s reach. Instinctively I jumped back. He says he needs money, I said loudly “Stop! Get the Fuck away from me”! as I back up and quickly look over my right shoulder looking for a possible second person. I unzipped my sweatshirt in case he had a weapon. Today I wore a shoulder harness G43. He again repeated his “no, I need some money, cmon”. I repeated my response even louder. He retreated back to his car in the next lane and left. I waited a couple of minutes after he was gone and filled up my car.Obviously not a deadly force situation, but honestly as much as I check out my surroundings it STILL happened to me. My blind spot was the pump. It was broad daylight. It was busy, it wasn’t deserted. I did experience an adrenaline rush a couple of minutes afterwards. That never happens to me. I’m pretty calm most of the time.I was reminded again today that all attacks will be a surprise. He was watching me. He waited until I was distracted. He did not have a weapon so I did not draw, but I was loud and direct. If there had been an accomplice behind me as I backed up .. 🤔 I was trying to distance myself from the entire thing. via /r/CCW

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