Friday, February 1, 2019

First Time Pulled Over w/CCW Permit - Embarrassing Situation

So I've had my CCW for a little over a year now, and tonight is the first time I have been pulled over since I obtained my permit. It all started with an oil change; I had dropped my vehicle off at my local shop for an oil change this morning and picked it up after work. My vehicle has where you can turn the headlight switch to an "auto" feature where they automatically come on when it's dark, and the shop had turned them off which I didn't realize since the headlights are actually on all the time - but they are a little dimmer when in the "off" position, and the running lights are completely off - so that's what I was pulled over for.​I had taken my 14 year old daughter and 2 of her friends spending the night (13 & 14) to see Aquaman, and I actually was NOT carrying since my local theater has a no carry sign which has the force of law in my state.​On the way home about 3 blocks from my house I saw the lights come on, so I pulled over. Went mostly like any normal stop would where the officer asked for my license, registration, & proof of insurance - but he was kind of watching me intently and looking around the vehicle. When he came back, first thing he asked me is "Mr. #####, I need to ask you if you are carrying a firearm tonight." I immediately remembered during my CCW class that the instructor had said they could see I had a permit from both my tags (if driving my vehicle) and by running my license - so I quickly explained that no, I was not carrying - that I had just taken my daughter and friends to a movie. He lectured me a little saying that it is in everyone's best interest that I let him know I have a CCW and am not carrying when an officer first pulls me over - but he was very friendly. He laughed when I explained about how I had had an oil change that morning, and said that was something they commonly see with modern cars after an oil change, and he let me go with a warning.​My daughter was glaring at me the whole drive home, and when I got home, she pulled me aside and asked allot of questions and if I really carried a "gun". I have never really talked to her about firearms, so had a very awkward conversation with her. She goes to a very liberal school (a Montessori), and I can only IMAGINE what her friends must have thought. I'm kind of half wondering if I will get calls from parents tomorrow after they go home.... really not exactly what I would have liked to have happened, but not sure how I could have handled it differently as even if I had told the officer when he first pulled me over, it would still have let the cat out of the bag so to say.​Anyway, just wanted to share my experience as it's something I would never have considered as being something to expect. Kind of embarrassing, and a little nervous about what other parents will think. Hopefully this will help somebody else better prepare for what they would do if something similar happens. via /r/CCW

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