Friday, February 15, 2019

Concealed means concealed is BS (and here is why)

I have long said that concealed means nobody can see does not mean that nobody knows or strongly suspects it is there. Here is a real world example.Last week we drove to Orlando, checked in to our Disney resort (just a drive by to make sure we were good, didn't unpack car or anything), then went to Disney Springs which is a large outdoor shopping and restaurant area that is freely open to the public. We were walking down the boardwalk (100.00% concealment) when I saw a security officer with a dog at least 10 yards (probably more like 15 yards) away.Not long after, I noticed the guard and the dog coming along behind us. I turned around and gave a what's up gesture/nod and he said "we can walk and talk, do you own guns or have any guns on you right now?". I said yes to having one on me. He then requested that we stop and chat where we were, which was right in the middle of everything.Security officer asked if I was LE or a CCW, -just just a CCW-, he said perfectly legal, but Disney policy doesn't allow etc etc. Okay. He asked that I stay there for a short while, Orange County was going to come over and would like to verify my permit if that was alright (I'm sure there were other decision tree directions to go if I was like 'buzz off' a minute or two another security guard showed up to just stand several feet back and observe. Original guy was very cordial, he asked where I was carrying it, and if it was okay if he had the dog signal right where it was for training/verification/reward, I said sure, and doge pointed right at the damn thing . He asked if I would mind telling how many rounds I had, claiming it went towards helping figure out the dog's sensitivity, which I answered (14).During this entire encounter, nobody ever actually saw the gun in any way.Now, I always heard Disney had plain clothes security that you would never know were security. It's no joke. The head of security showed up, and this random dude walked up to him and asked him a question...random dude moved just right for just a moment as I was focused on him and I saw a secret service style clear earpiece cord going under his jacket collar. Was like...holy **** strong "random dude" lolSo a couple Orange County uniforms showed up and spent a few minutes verifying the validity of my Georgia Weapons Carry License that I had provided (took a few extra minutes, then I overhead a radio response that "Georgia doesn't do that" which point we moved on.Head of security explains they don't allow firearms to be carried on their property, I need to go straight to my car (in a parking garage, they had already asked about that) and secure it in the car before coming back to shop, no shopping or stopping on the way. They also, when I said yes I was staying on property, informed me that they did not allow firearms in their resorts. I said something about having a safe for it in my car and they gave kind of an acknowledgement response that didn't say "oh yeah that's fine" but didn't contest the issue either (car would necessarily be in their parking lot after all).We were on the way to the car anyway, so we just continued to the car and left. I put it (unloaded) into a locking gun safe then into the locking glove box.​They locked us out of the room soon after. We got back from the Springs, went into room, then I left and came back and my band wouldn't open the door. Just before we called them, they called us on the room phone, and said the gun had to be left in a safe deposit box with them in order to stay at the resort. I did this, it was painless. When we were ready to leave it took 5 minutes to get it back, I put the magazines in my pocket and the unloaded gun in my holster, went to the bathroom, then left.Nobody but me ever touched the gun, and nobody ever saw it except the registration counter employee and one security employee when we were inside the safe deposit box room​​Attached is a real quick pic I took of part of the dog. I was going to start recording partway through but felt like a (I can't say that word? wut?) so this is what you get. via /r/CCW

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