Sunday, October 14, 2018

If you shoot somebody in self defense, what do you do immediately afterwards

I got a ton of good advice & book recommendations on my last post on r/offtopiclegaladvice, but I have a specific question. It was suggested to me that I post here. I think I was supposed to cross post this somehow, but I don’t know how reddit works TBH. Hope i’m posting this in the right place.I’ll give two examples:-You’re walking alone through an alley. Somebody attempts to attack you with a knife and you feel lethal force is necessary to prevent imminent death or injury. You fire a round into the attacker and seriously injure or kill them. Nobody else is around to notice. After making sure you’re no longer in danger, what do you do?-You’re in your car, driving through traffic, and you cut somebody off by mistake. The driver gets out of their car and begins advancing on you while shouting threats. They appear to have something in their hand resembling a firearm, and you feel lethal force is necessary to prevent imminent death or injury. You fire a round into the attacker and seriously injure or kill them. At this point, there’s a good amount of worried spectators. After making sure you’re no longer in danger, what do you do?In both situations it’s assumed that the use of a deadly weapon is fully justified as self defense and that the firearm is a legally permitted concealed or open carry weapon.thanks in advance! have a nice day.edit; i noticed i’m getting downvoted. tell me if I posted this in the wrong place and I’ll move it! via /r/CCW

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