Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Female CC full size. Does it exist?

Currently carry a sig .380. Amazing piece of weaponry, love it. With an extended mag I have 7 shots. I can fully conceal it. I can conceal an extra mag. I can actually conceal 3 extra mags with one of my holsters. No issues there. Requires a bit of wardrobe adjustment but you cannot tell I have it on. I have 3 holsters in regular rotation depending on what I'm wearing. I vary between appendix and about 5 o'clock, again, depending on the outfit. Unfortunately sometimes I cannot conceal an extra mag.I would love to upgrade.Ideally I'd like to conceal my Glock 17. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) I have a slim frame. All of the "women conceal carry" sites seem to feature pictures designed to minimize printing. Lighting, pose, camera angle. You can tell that standing normally it would print. I originally wanted the sig 9mm but the extra thickness just was not working for every day concealment.Does anyone here, in real life, conceal a full size as a slim woman? What wardrobe adjustments did you have to make? What holster do you use? I'm not willing to carry off body. The under arm holsters seem the only realistic option but I'm wondering if any outer layer thinner than full blazer would work. I have a bunch of cardigans for winter cc but I'm concerned they are too thin to conceal a full size. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2JpWDyC

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