Saturday, October 27, 2018

Appendix carry... always remove holster to re-holster?

I've got my first appendix carry holster on the way to play with. I've always been very diligent with trigger finger position, but to mitigate the slight additional risks of foreign object or shirt stuck in the holster....I plan to drill always removing the holster, visually inspecting the holster, then inserting the gun and then the holstered gun back into my pants. I guess I will practice dropping the gun to prepare for a situation where I might have to have the gun out of my hand.I feel comfortable with a gun securely encased in a quality holster pointed at my femoral artery, but not with the additional risk of reholstering. Thoughts from the firearm community?/edit. 1 last note... due to some lower back imbalance issues it's either pocket carry or appendix. Strong side was aggravating my problem. via /r/CCW

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