Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Man won’t move his car from middle of the road. He then loses it. Threatens me. Unknown to me follows me to my home. Gets out of car threatening me.

Hey r/CCWI’m pretty fed up with living in the city right now. The heroin epidemic is terrible. Crime seems to be everywhere. People seem so angry. It feels so unsafe. Anyways, thanks for letting me vent a bit.Last night I was coming home from the grocery store with my 2 year old son. We live in a decent size metropolitan. The house I rent sits on a dead end street with one road leading to it. That’s kind of important. So, we’re coming back from the grocery and I turn off the main road and onto a street and then make an immediate right turn to head down a block and a half to my house.As I’m turning onto my street I stop just before a running car with their lights on, sandwiched in between two parked cars. I’m unable to pass these vehicles. The road is only three car lengths wide, and is narrow at that. The driver is stopped, and a man outside is talking to him. This particular house on my street always has cars stopped in front. I can’t stress how many random cars pull in front of this house. Usually they move with no issue, and that’s that. I don’t care what the hell is going on. it’s sketch as all hell, but to be honest it doesn’t effect me up until about now so I haven’t really cared.I’m now stopped waiting for this car to move. I wait a bit and lightly honk my horn. Nothing unusual. That’s when the guy inside the car starts screaming at me. He was basically talking smack. Saying that I needed to back my truck up and that he isn’t going anywhere because he can’t get out. I don’t really have time for this so I back my truck up and he obviously has space to move. He doesn’t. He just pulls closer to my truck and starts threatening me, calling me a white boy( I’m Hispanic lol), and keeps telling me to move my truck. He’s going ape shit. I back up my truck, and begin to call 911. I don’t have time to deal with this. I’m on the phone with the operator and tell the other driver that the police are coming. He hesitates and continues shouting but finally begins moving up and just past my vehicle. All the while still threatening to beat my ass or whatever. I take note of the license plate and give it to the operator. Well before this my gun is out, hidden in my hand. I’m in an F-250 and it sits a bit higher then what they could see. After barely passing me he is still threatening to beat my ass, insulting me, and name calling. I drive away with the 911 operator still on the phone.I head down the block and come to the dead end. I stop right before the end of the road and back into my parking spot in front of my house. I get out of my truck and low and behold this guy has followed me to the end of the street and is parked on the corner of my dead end and this culdesac that has nothing on it. My door is still open and I stop, shielding half my body to hide my gun. I’m still on the phone with the operator and tell her that he’s followed me home. That’s when I put down my phone and prepare for the worse. He wasn’t close enough to physically touch me but he was moving towards me, and threatening me, and saying that he knows where I live now. He had no visible weapons but was closing in on me. I was terrified. My son was three feet from me and that’s really all I could think about. I loudly instructed to him, “THE POLICE ARE ON THE WAY, GET BACK IN YOUR VEHICLE.” I think he realized that I may have had a weapon. Not entirely sure. He stood in the middle of the road screaming at me and threatening me and finally got back in his car and drove off. Cops never showed up. I never got a call back. I’m not even sure if I should file a report. This is the second time they haven’t come out. This was so stressful. Tbh a few more steps and I’m pretty sure I would’ve felt that my life was endangered or great bodily harm would have come to me or my son. I couldn’t have risked it.If I could have changed anything, I would’ve loved to had my Glock 17 on me. I had my rough up gun a Taurus pt111 G2 with 12 plus one. It just didn’t feel like enough even though I’ve put plenty of rounds through it with no issue and am familiar with its operation. Idk what else I could’ve done. I couldn’t go inside because 2 year old was in the truck and I couldn’t get him out without compromising the upper hand I had. This whole situation has really stressed me out. I would never, ever want to use lethal force. That’s the last thing I want. I’m not an angry individual. I wouldn’t want that on my hands. I was just trying to go home and prepare some food for the week.Anyways. Feel free to chew me up and spit me out. I’m open to all advice. All in all when I got in my house it was comforting to know that I had an AR, sub 2000, and 12 gauge all sighted in and ready to go. Sight in your firearms people. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2NlOdOf

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