Sunday, September 9, 2018

How come so many Westerners who take traditional martial arts end up doing BS stuff like flailing arm stances instead of straightforward practical simple self defense moves such as headbutts?

I wrote this.

So I am curious. Rather than using simple straight-to-the-point movements that are effective for self defense, how come so many Westerners who take up traditional martial arts do BS dangerous stuff like trying to enter a crane stance while in punching range or attempting to use a spinning reverse kick as your first attack? Why is this mentality so common in the Western martial arts subculture?

I mean the old school in Asia emphasize using the quickest and most practical movements for a self defense situation such as tackling someone to a wall or parrying his arms and than performing an armlock instantly afterwards. Practically many of the same movements you see in Krav Maga and effective self defense schools and military H2H systems in the west.

So I am wondering why Westerner who take up Traditional Martial Arts end up making it a habit to do jump kicks and other dangerous BS techniques? Despite the fact in Asia they teach in Kung Fu and Karate dojos to just get straight to the point and do a backhand slap or other simple movements to disable the enemy ASAP?!

I mean I've yet to see a single authentic Kung FU school flail their arms around that we associate with Tai Chi when trying to put down a rowdy student hurting others. Instead they do stuff so mundane like slapping the student to de-escalate the situation and preventing further violence!

Submitted September 09, 2018 at 05:03PM by DarthJupiter

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