Friday, September 14, 2018

Car Holster Mount

I've got a couple of holsters for a couple of guns. I don't need a new holster. I just want some way to attach the holstered gun to the interior of the car, like under the steering wheel... Something that will be interchangeable with any standard IWB-type holster, that will be able to remove it from the retention of the holster, keeping the holster in place, when drawn.Basically I'm looking for something that will function as a belt, that can mount under the dash at the steering column.Does such an item exist for purchase, or do I need to go the DIY route?If my request is not clear, I've made this flawless picture in MSPaint to better explain what I'm thinking of: drew the gun in the holster backwards. The tab or clip of the holster would go on the inside, against the dash. Id est, the bottom of the magazine would point toward the passenger.)Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!Also, I'm not too interested in debating the logistics or concept of off-body carry while driving. (This is something I wouldn't use day-to-day; just for long road trips of an hour or more in length.) via /r/CCW

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