Saturday, March 3, 2018

Took my MN carry permit course today, it was rather disappointing.

Just wanted to share my experience with you guys and hear your thoughts, maybe i'm overreacting.I turned 21 late February, and have been looking forward to getting my carry permit for awhile now. I won't name the place I went to as I don't believe it was entirely their fault, it's a nice place and the staff are all very friendly. The original instructor's wife went into labor last night apparently, so they had to have one of their employees who doesn't normally teach the class go ahead and do it.The instructor was a young woman who seemed to be fairly well informed on the subject (I sure would hope so), we went over basic operation and safety of a handgun for maybe half of the 3.5 hour class, which I thought was a bit much considering everyone brought their own firearm for the range test and appeared to be competent in safety, but no matter, you can never be too safe or assuming with firearms. She went over the "correct" way to rack a slide for probably 30 minutes, while trying to tell one of the guys why his way was incorrect, along with proper defensive stance. This is where I started to get a bad taste in my mouth.After the proper use of a handgun we briefly talked about holsters, there was no in depth discussion on them other than "there are general holsters, and others made specifically for your gun", there was absolutely no talk of the importance of covering your trigger, unholstering, reholstering, nothing about being safe while carrying a handgun. I feel like that is a huge missing detail, and arguably one of the most important aspects of carrying. Unfortunate.While the class is being taught, the woman kept making comments about how "Obama voters" on the jury will lock you up if you find yourself in a DGU situation, and making "assault rifle-15" jokes. I fully expected some political statements going in, but it was quite often and I found it to be very unprofessional. (*Yes, I lean left while also enjoying my rights to firearms.)We covered laws for maybe an hour and what to do if you find yourself in a situation, the kicker is that this was not an MN specific presentation, and she told us the laws off of the top of her head. When someone would ask a question regarding law she would frequently give the answer "Hmm.. I'm not sure. Use your best judgement!" That seems troubling to me, no? She touched the topic of insurance by saying "Yeah, you can get carry insurance" that's it, nothing else, no examples or resources. Finally we went over about 3 scenarios and had the class guess yes or no if the shooting was justified.There also was not a single piece of info regarding carrying over state lines, which states honored the MN permit, etc.All in all I feel like I have gotten more useful information from this subreddit. I went with my dad who has fairly limited experience with shooting, and I do not think that he would be confident enough to carry after this class.~TLDR: Carry class was more of a political get-together, not a ton of emphasis on safe carry, lots of "I don't knows" on questions regarding law, and some information just plain not included. via /r/CCW

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