Sunday, March 18, 2018

[Scenario] Cop pulls someone out of movie theater

So this past Thursday I went to go see Tomb Raider (decent movie) and a couple squirrely things happened. The theater I was is a pretty typical set up, walk in and then 80% of the seats are stadium style going up some stairs and then there are the "neckbreaker" seats down front. I typically sit way up top maybe 2-5 rows from the very back row because my wife get's headaches sitting too close. This night, I was alone and sat on the 3rd or 4th row of the stadium style seats. Movie starts.There was a few people that kept walking back and forth exiting and re-entering the theater. I was low enough that they blocked the screen as they passed and I could tell it was the same 2 or 3 people because I could see there silhouettes and I'm wary (and annoyed) of people going in and out of the theater. After a few times, I really focused on them and determined that they were employees - I saw name tags, walkies, and aprons. Thought to myself, "oh whatever, it's just employees checking the projection quality or just catch some of the movie on break, no biggie"Then a cop shows up at the entrance to the theater with a manger - ok alarm bell time. He then leaves and then comes back about 5 minutes later and goes up the stairs and escorts a guy out. Alarm bells screaming. 5 more minutes later, dude that got escorted out comes back. As he passes rows of people, he gives us all the "I don't know what was up" shrugs. Needlesss to say I was uncomfortable for the rest of the movie.What did I do in the situation? Nothing. I didn't feel immediately threatened but I was super aware for the rest of the show.Lessons learned - I will be sitting back at the top from now on, as I hated not being able to see what was going on. Also, probably sitting closer to the end of the row so I can step out if need be.Not sure what else I can glean from this one. Any one else have any scenarios from a movie theater? via /r/CCW

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