Thursday, March 1, 2018

Restricted Carry Options

So I'm a soldier stationed in Hawaii, where carry permits are basically non existent, so I'm trying to explore alternative means of self defense to carry. I think I've explored all the options, but I want to make sure I didn't miss anything. So along with guns, I can not CCW in Hawaii: 1. "Dirks or daggers" (which I am interpreting to mean any fighting knife, to be safe. ) 2. Butterfly knives, switch blades, gravity knives (prohibited from even possessing, not just carrying. ) 3. Stun guns (also prohibited from possessing) 4. "Black jack, slug shot, or Billy" (interpreting as any baton/ stick made for fighting. ) 5. Metal knucklesSo all I can think of to carry as a defensive weapon is. 1. Camping/ pocket knives 2. Pepper spray 3. Self defense flashlight 4. Kubaton (redundant with SD flashlight.) 5. Big maglight (which I would rather not lug around. ) 6. Those small alarms that blare with a button push to alert others you're being attacked (not so much a weapon, but considering getting one for my wife. )And that's all I got. Is there anything else? via /r/CCW

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