Thursday, March 1, 2018

OK SDA Concealed Carry Class is an absolute joke

Last night, I went to my 2nd of 2 concealed carry classes to satisfy the requirements of the Oklahoma Self Defense Act, in order to apply for a concealed carry permit. This can be done in a single eight-hour class, but I did it in two four-hour classes instead.For any locals, I did it at H&H in OKC. Cost was $60, which is set by law, I think.The application process for the class was a bit dumb, since there was an "online application" that was a Word document that had to be filled, printed, and taken to the gun range and paid for in person. That's a pain in the ass.Class day rolls around, and I show up on time. The lady running the class was totally condescending and insisted in talking to us like children. I hated that part. I also hated how she thought she was charming and funny, and her stupid jokes were supposed to make me laugh. I could have let that slide I guess, but as the class didn't commence until 45 minutes after we were told to arrive, I was somewhat cranky and didn't want to listen to her 10 minute stand-up routine.Our instructors arrive and start their spiel. They've been giving this class since Jesus got his first Hipoint, blah blah blah. Then after much fucking around, probably to fill a government mandated number of classroom hours, we get to the government mandated information.The first section is about all the "legal stuff" regarding where you can carry, what you can carry, how you can carry, what to do with LEOs, what constitutes deadly force, force escalation, when you can shoot, what self defense means, what can and can't happen to you after a shoot, etc etc. "Don't worry class, we'll skip through this quick..." WHAT THE FUCK.My class was full of the usual bell curve of people, some never saying a word (probably the smart ones), some never shutting up and constantly inserting their opinions, and your run of the mill dumbasses who barely know which end of the gun to put in their mouths.The government mandated test rolls around, and we have to answer 15 government mandated questions. The answers for these questions are literally given to us. In one case, the explicit answer (SELECT ANSWER B WHEN THIS QUESTION IS ASKED BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL DUMBASSES) was given in advance. Then we "took the test". Surprise surprise, we all passed. But, yknow, we all didn't make 100% so we took some more time to go over the correct answers to the test that had literally just been given to us.Next night, we reassemble. After a 30 minute delay, we get spoken to like children again. Since I've now spent some time with my classmates, it's clear why. But then comes the part that made my blood boil. We were forced to sit through a sales pitch for US Legal Law Shield. FOR AN HOUR. I'm slowly losing my mind, but I don't want to say anything and be rude to this lady giving her pitch. My dumbass classmates are falling all over themselves to buy in, so they must be getting something out of it. I zone out and start reading shitposts on /r/ccw.Finally the sales pitch is over. Finally we get back to our class time. By that, I mean the instructor gives us a roughly 45 minute long sales pitch for his gun training company. It seems like bullshit. Our instructor is 190lbs overweight so I'm sure the class is shoot-first-amputate-your-foot-from-diabetes-later.Finally he moves on to the rest of the government mandated safety information. We look at a slide describing grip, sight alignment, trigger control, breath control, and follow through. We spend 45 minutes on grip and sight alignment, and don't talk about any of the others. I feel like I just chose poorly when trying to pick the Holy Grail.It's range time! I've been here for 3 hours by this point. We're given explicit instructions on what's going to happen at the range. When an instruction is given, like "move to the bench", just do that thing. Don't pick up your heater and avenge Tupac. Of course, the bumblenuts in my class need 4 or 5 tries to get this. We shoot 5 rds at a time, then reload, step back, wait for Jimmy Paint Chips to slowly get finished, rinse, and repeat until we've shot 50 rounds more or less in the direction of a paper target hanging 10 feet away.According to the state of Oklahoma, I am now competent to carry a firearm in public. Why even fucking bother. via /r/CCW

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