Sunday, March 4, 2018

I took a CCW class yesterday and feel completely underwhelmed by the course material.

I'm hoping to gain insight as to how ya'lls class went.I went to one that was highly suggested by several LGS, but they spent the first 2 hours of the 4 hour class discussing the anatomy of guns and how a semi-automatic gun works. Then we qualified on the range in groups, which took an hour, during which we were pitched a form of legal insurance (though the guy was adamant that his company does not sell insurance, despite his company name literally ending in 'Insurance Corporation'). The final 45 mins or so was spent glossing over where you can carry, when you can carry, and the legal process for my state. I say glossing over because that's really exactly what they did, we turned to a page in a book and discussed a couple of the pages. They probably spent longer talking about how you should ask for a lawyer immediately if you're involved in a self-defense shooting than they did about where you could legally carry or the process you should take when you're carrying and need to traverse to an area where you can't.I am not a firearms expert, I didn't grow up shooting and I've been to the range a few times with friends. I was hoping they'd cover more tactics for carrying, the different carry positions, maybe something about when you should draw and when you should escape...I get that not everyone has the same level of experience with firearms, but we literally spent 15 minutes trying to get senior citizens to understand what semi-automatic meant(they couldn't seem to grasp that 1 trigger pull = 1 bullet). I know there's no legal requirement but damn shouldn't these concepts and some level of proficiency be a qualifying question or some shit and shouldn't they send you to a firearms safety basic 101 course before they offer their ccw? Was your course like this or did I just get burned by my LGS?EDIT: Oh and don't even get me started on the fear mongering the 'law services' guy was spewing. Hypothetical situations that changed slightly with each reiteration just to sell their product with no data available whatsoever about their success rate at trial or how many cases they'd taken in the last year or any discussion of a guarantee of service... Really just used fear-mongering and ignorance to sell a reoccurring subscription to elderly people. I had to go home and shower, I felt so dirty. via /r/CCW

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