Friday, March 23, 2018

I guess I'm the unluckiest guy alive

When I was 3 years old my father owned a restaurant, a wonderful woman was a waitress there, everyone loved her, the customers, the employees, my family. Apparently she had been in an abusive marriage for years, one day she mustered up the courage after saving part of her tips secretly for years to tell him she was leaving. That very same morning he walked into the restaurant pulled out a gun, aimed as she and everyone ran, and emptied it into her back while screaming "I LOVE YOU!!!!" with a huge smile on his face.He then sat down at a table and waited to be arrested. Had he decided to make a much bigger impact, no one could have stopped him, no one had a gun on them in the place, and this was Florida of all places.Years later as a teenager, a group of my friends ended up meeting and hooking up with a group of girls at the beach late one night. After some fun, the girl I was with starts telling me she has a boyfriend she hates, oh and he's insane, and oh he just showed up at the same beach looking for her last week and threatened to shoot the guy she was chatting with.She tells me this as a red dodge stealth very slowly drives by the empty parking lot, as if it's scanning for who's sitting on the bench. I ask her what kind of car he guessed it.He peels into the lot, hops out with what I think was a double barrel shotgun and starts screaming and crying asking me if I had sex with her. Somehow I managed to be cool and convince him that nothing happened with his girlfriend, we were just chatting on the bench the last half hour while our other friends were off doing god knows what, and that she told me she had a boyfriend and everything was totally cool.A few years later when I was a promoter for a night club, I was walking to my car at 3am in the city garage, it was basically empty at this point. As I get close to my car I hear a bunch of running foot steps about 90 feet back, it was a gang of latino guys trying to get to me before I managed to get in the car.By the grace of god or lady luck, a security car turned up the ramp and the guys took off down the stairs out to the street. The security guy pulled up and told me one of the local gangs was jumping and robbing people for initiation or just fun, and they had beaten a couple people almost to death around the city the last few months, one poor bastard was still in a coma and it wasn't looking good.A few years later I was at a strip club in Denver, in the VIP chatting up a stripper who was going to take me to an after hours club (I almost left that out because it sounds unbelievable, but I want to illustrate how missing out on that experience with her was even worse than what happened next)All of a sudden we hear tons of glass breaking and massive thuds. We get up and peer out the curtain and like 30 hells angels had started a massive brawl with a big group of I don't know, maybe another club, maybe just some guys who said the wrong thing or looked at them wrong, but it was like a prison sceneKnives came out, people were stabbed, bottles broken over face, the 4 massive bouncers by the way had been KO'd within seconds, I later heard a couple people were shot.The only thing that saved me was asking the stripper if there was a back door and she led me to it and I took off down the alley. I'd have never made it through that tight room without fighting a losing battle and these guys weren't fighting clean and didn't give a fuck who was who, if you weren't wearing a hells angels vest you were getting stabbed or beat over the head with a chair.The point of my story, or stories is that maybe I'm statistically the unluckiest guy in the world when it comes to being in life or death situations, or maybe I'm actually the luckiest since I always escaped unscathed.Regardless, luck is what kept me alive, many many people don't have luck in those moments.Certainly I couldn't have saved anyone at 3 years old, but someone else could have, as for the rest of those times, I never wanted a gun more in my life and finally at about 25 years old I bought my first one and told myself I'm never going to rely on lady luck to save me again, she's already done enough, and it would be silly to expect her to come through again.So when people tell you that you'll never need a gun.....maybe not.....or maybe you'll need it a bunch of times.Oh...I almost forgot, at 24, before I bought my first gun, an armed robber ran through my yard being chased by like 30 police. This was a really nice neighborhood and I had big colonial house and a big yard where all the houses backed up to thick brush for about a quarter mile, nightmare shit to push through, but if you are running for your freedom, I guess it's worth losing a liter of blood.They couldn't find him, and gave up after about an hour, they weren't sure that he wasn't literally 50 feet away in the brush and they just couldn't find him but fuck it, time to punch out.So I'm left there standing in my doorway as I watch the officer who just told me to give them a call if I happen to see the armed and dangerous felon they lost, and the rest of the city police force, calmly drive off. via /r/CCW

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