Saturday, March 24, 2018

Changed my mind on the p365, now back to my origional options, g26, and mp 9 shield.

Hey everyone, I recently took my CHL class, now just waiting for my license to come in. Personally I think I may be overthinking the printing aspect of guns. I'm sure most people would be none the wiser because they are glued to their phones 99% of the day and have almost no situational awareness. Yet still, I cant decide on whether or not to go with the single stack shield or the double stack 26. Is it going to make much of a difference?I'm 5'10, 210 lbs, got some love handles going on so I know that will factor in as well. I also have 60 hours of professional training with glocks and would without a doubt bet my life on one, this is the reason that I'm leaning more towards the g26. Plus I already own a g17 which would be great because I could carry a g17 mag with me for extra capacity if the time ever comes when I would need it.So what do you all think? I know both have positives and negatives such as capacity vs concealability. via /r/CCW

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