Friday, March 23, 2018

At what point would you shoot a dog?

Yesterday I was walking with my wife, our newborn daughter, our protective but wussy dog, and my SR9c. A family had 3-4 dogs out in front of their house, all barking at us, and I thought about this question.I initially concluded that if a dog put its teeth on my wife or our daughter (or me) that I would definitely take my gun out and try to line up a shot that'd likely only hit the dog if it was still aggressive when I got to that point. Or maybe if the dog had its face in the stroller and was aggressively barking...though that's really close to my baby so possibly I'd just try "pistol whipping" it since I didn't have a bat or anything.And the owners would certainly be really angry so that's not a great situation. Anyway, what do you think? via /r/CCW

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