Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Moving past fantasy: using common themes instead of "what if" scenarios.

We often get posts here that are inquiring about what would/should be done in an imagined self defense situation. The posts range from fairly grounded to mall ninja search and destroy role playing.While I believe having an active thought process about the proper way to defend yourself and family is important, I think there is more value in a broad scope as opposed to focusing on very specific situations that will most likely never happen.By broad focus, I mean finding the themes that all self defense scenarios share. By training the mind to view all situations commonly, you can react faster by knowing your options in advance.Firstly, all self defense scenarios have the same goal: End the threat to yourself and/or loved ones. That's it. Easy and basic.There's really only 4 ways to achieve that goal. Ranked from least safe to safest.Comply: The worst option, and only applicable if you were caught completely of guard. Basically doing what the bad guy says because you have no other option. Your focus should be staying alive and looking for opportunity to transition to one of the next 3 options.Attack: the 2nd worst option. Fist, knife, gun, a trash can, a stick....whatever you've got on you and 100%. Attacking puts you in danger, so it should be only be use as a last resort.Hiding: This is putting something between the threat and yourself. Also known as taking cover. It's should be temporary with a mind on total escape. If you can use a firearm to defend the position, you're better off but still need to plan on moving.Escape: The best option for all situations. You're far from the threat and now out of danger. This means running and maximizing distance when the opportunity presents itself. If doing so would make you an easy target, stick to hiding or attacking until a better opportunity presents itself. Bounce and let the professionals handle it.NEVER AN OPTION: Hunting. Don't chase bad guys. Don't engage when you could have escaped. This is the best way to get killed by the bad guy or the cops. If you don't need to be in a fight, don't be in a fight. Waaaaaay to many people post about going seal team 6 on bad guys and it's just the wrong move every time. Self defense is about staying alive, not killing people.The biggest thing is that the best option currently available is the on you should commit 100% too. If you're cornered, attack with everything you've got and don't stop until you lose/win/or you get the chance to escape. If you're already a distance from the scenario, haul ass. If you notice something starting up, don't gawk and assess...get moving. It's also important to immediately realize when the situation has transformed and you have more options. Be prepared to turn on a dime and change the game.The whole point of this is clarity of thought. How you train your mind is how you will react under stress (hopefully). Most of the self defense scenarios people write are ALWAYS contrived to end in a gunfight. That's not the only option. That's not always the best option. It's just one option out of four. Don't limit yourself in order to feel like a hero. Do what keeps you safest. via /r/CCW

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